React.js: The Documentary 一起学英语

Time Subtitle Machine Translation
0s foreign 外国
11s [Music] [音乐]
28s fox jumps over the lazy dog 狐狸跳过懒狗
33s this is react podcast I'm chantastic today we're going back way back back to 这是 React 播客 我 今天非常棒 我们要回到
40s the beginning of react 10 years in the rear view mirror it may React 的开始 10 年从后视镜看 它可能
45s feel like react was always going to succeed did a framework by Facebook was 感觉 React 总是会 成功 确实 Facebook 的框架
50s too big to fail but this isn't that kind of story in fact there were many times 太大而不能失败,但这不是 那种故事,事实上
55s in reacts history where it seemed like it wasn't going to succeed at all 在 Reacts 历史上有很多次看起来 它根本不会成功,
1:00 so what happened how did react go in 10 years from looking Dead on Arrival to 所以发生了什么反应在 10 年内如何发展 从看起来 Dead on Arrival 到
1:07 becoming the dominant front-end JavaScript framework that it is today 成为今天占主导地位的前端 JavaScript 框架
1:12 it starts at Facebook in 2011 jQuery and backbone are dominating front-end 它于 2011 年在 Facebook 开始
1:17 JavaScript but more opinionated tools like Ember angular knockout are already -
1:23 on the scene in the outside world Gangnam Style has just been uploaded to Gangnam Style 刚上传到
1:28 YouTube Call Me Maybe is topping the charts and the freshest meme is the YouTube Call Me Maybe 就高居 榜首,最新鲜的 meme
1:33 overly attached girlfriend in Internet years it's basically been an eternity so 是互联网时代过度依恋的女朋友, 这基本上是永恒的,所以系好
1:38 strap in set yourself away enable that do not disturb because this is quite the 安全带让自己走开吧 请勿打扰,因为这完全是
1:44 Underdog Story foreign Underdog Story foreign
1:54 [Music] but this one doesn't [音乐] 但这个不是
1:59 [Applause] [Music] [掌声] [音乐]
2:03 just keep it on with this testing one two testing 只是继续进行此 测试一两个测试
2:14 [Music] foreign [音乐] 外国
2:19 [Music] [音乐]
2:36 work at Facebook I told my mom I was like really excited The Social Network 在 Facebook 工作 我告诉 我的妈妈, 我真的很兴奋社交网络
2:40 the movie had just come out and she had you know seen it recently and she was 这部电影刚刚上映,她让 你知道最近看过它,她
2:45 actively discouraging me from joining because she was like Mark Zuckerberg 积极劝阻我加入, 因为她说马克扎克伯格
2:49 doesn't seem like a very nice boy Facebook in the time I was there was I 看起来不像一个非常好的男孩 Facebook 在 我在那里的时候,我
2:54 don't think they'll be anything like it ever again it was certainly not like 认为他们不会再像现在 这样了,这肯定
2:57 anything that I had experienced before in fact just a couple months after I 不像我以前经历过的任何事情, 事实上,就在我
3:01 joined Kanye West came to visit Facebook's campus and he got up on a 加入 Kanye West 几个月后 ,他来参观 Facebook 的校园,他起床了
3:07 table in the cafe and you know wrapped a few bars and I was working mostly with 在咖啡馆的桌子上,你知道包裹了 一些酒吧,我主要和
3:12 this guy who had just graduated from college and I was trying to explain to 这个刚从大学毕业的人一起工作 ,我试图向
3:16 him you know I've worked these crap jobs in software at that point had been like 他解释你知道我 在那个时候从事过这些垃圾软件工作 就像
3:21 10 or 15 years nothing like this ever happens not to software Engineers you're 10 或 15 年 像这样的事情从来 没有发生在软件工程师身上 你是
3:27 my stressing your mama sues Mama say Mama say Mama Don the son JavaScript at 我在强调你妈妈起诉
3:32 the time I think was going through this little -
3:35 bit of an existential crisis as to whether it was like a real programming 编程
3:40 language or a toy programming language and so 语言 或玩具编程语言,所以
3:44 there was a lot of churn so you had jQuery was popular and moo tools was 有很多流失,所以你有 jQuery 很流行,moo 工具很
3:48 popular and there was so many different like warring Frameworks to try to get 流行,有很多不同的 框架,比如试图
3:52 the Mind share and there's a lot of similarities between them but each one 获得思想份额的交战框架,它们之间有很多 相似之处 但是每一个
3:55 had its kind of bespoke differences and none of them were actually really 都有其定制的差异,而且 它们都不是
3:58 fantastic for building really kind of complicated user interfaces and apps 真正适合构建真正 复杂的用户界面和应用程序的,
4:03 there was this trend towards more sophisticated applications that do more 有一种趋势是更 复杂的应用程序可以做更多的
4:07 stuff and at Facebook we still had a primarily sort of server rendered 事情,而在 Facebook,我们仍然有 一种主要的服务器 呈现的
4:12 technology stack which um you know one of the things that we 技术堆栈, 嗯,你知道我们
4:16 fought against for a really long time was just growing JavaScript bundle sizes 长期反对的事情之一 就是增加 JavaScript 包的大小,
4:20 so as we moved more and more stuff to the client the client got slower and 所以 随着我们将越来越多的东西 移到客户端,客户端变得越来越
4:24 slower so we actually swung the pendulum towards server-side rendering and 慢,所以我们实际上将钟摆 转向了服务器端渲染,并且
4:27 towards you know minimal amounts of JavaScript for a while and there was 在一段时间内让你知道了最少的 JavaScript,并且有一种
4:31 this feeling that we knew that what we were doing for client-side development 感觉,我们知道我们 是什么 为客户端开发所做的
4:35 wasn't working but also that server side wasn't going to get us all the way there 工作是行不通的,而且服务器 端也不会让我们一路走来,
4:40 so I think that was the kind of environment that react came out of 所以我认为这是
4:57 I joined Facebook back in 2010 I've been doing a lot of Open Source work 我在 2010 年加入 Facebook 时产生的那种环境,我一直 做了很多开源工作,
5:02 particularly in the JavaScript world I was a committer on the dojo.js toolkit 特别是在 JavaScript 世界我 是 dojo.js 工具包的提交者
5:07 back in the day which is one of the the granddaddies of the JavaScript movement ,它 是 JavaScript 运动的祖父之一,
5:11 along with prototype and jQuery I spent my first two years of Facebook 还有原型和 jQuery 我在 Facebook 度过了头两年
5:16 on the mobile team we had started off a big push to compete 在移动团队, 我们已经开始大力推动
5:21 with Apple and Google and we thought that our best chance of success as a 与苹果和谷歌的竞争,我们 认为我们作为一家公司成功的最佳机会
5:25 company was to go directly to the web and really push to build out the HTML5 是直接进入网络 并真正推动构建 HTML5
5:30 ecosystem so as part of that we developed myself 生态系统,所以 作为其中的一部分,我们 自己开发
5:36 two other Engineers called Vladimir khalestikov and will Bailey built a 了另外两名名为 Vladimir khalestikov 的工程师,Will Bailey 构建了一个
5:40 framework called bolt JS so named because we bolted together a bunch of 名为 bolt JS 的框架,之所以如此命名 是因为我们将我们每个人都喜欢的一堆东西用螺栓连接在一起
5:44 things that each of us liked bolt was basically more or less ,bolt 基本上或多或少是
5:49 Facebook's implementation of a client's head MVC I think it was like a pretty Facebook 对客户端 head MVC 的实现 我认为它是一个非常
5:53 good version maybe a better version of things like backbone and a couple of 好的版本,也许是当时存在 的主干和其他几个框架的更好版本,
5:58 other Frameworks that had existed at the time but it was born from a place of the 但它诞生于
6:04 specific constraints of Facebook it's the heart of your Facebook experience Facebook 的特定限制,它完全 是你 Facebook 体验的核心
6:09 completely rethought from the ground up we've been working on it all year 从头开始重新思考 我们一整年都在努力
6:13 and we're calling it timeline Facebook was one of the first ,我们称之为 时间线 Facebook 是第一批
6:18 big products that was really an experience more than anything else 真正提供体验的大型产品之一,
6:22 you're not trying to buy groceries or get tickets or anything like that on 你不是想买杂货 或买票或 在 Facebook 上的任何类似的东西
6:26 Facebook you really just want to be entertained and as such you know the 你真的只是想被 娱乐,因此你知道
6:31 user interface itself needs to be really pleasing bolt was not a tool belt it was 用户界面本身需要非常 令人愉悦螺栓不是工具 b elt 它
6:36 truly a application development framework something designed and meant 确实是一个应用程序开发 框架,
6:40 to build complicated interactive rich apps and was being used to build pretty 旨在构建复杂的交互式丰富 应用程序,并且在 Facebook 被用于构建非常
6:46 complicated very real products at Facebook at the time we ended up having 复杂的非常真实的产品, 当时我们最终
6:50 to essentially replicate most of Facebook 不得不基本上复制
6:53 all the various apps be it timeline chat news feed we had a whole photos app that Facebook 的大部分应用程序 timeline chat news feed 我们有一个我们构建的完整照片应用程序
6:59 we built and so obviously the team had to expand greatly like that so I think ,所以显然团队必须 像那样大幅扩展所以我认为
7:03 at some point we probably had maybe 25 Engineers working on all this between 在某个时候我们可能有 25 名 工程师在
7:08 building bold and building apps built on Bold and that's just on the mobile team 构建 bold 和构建基于 Bold 和 这只是移动团队
7:11 bolt was never the problem it was the architecture that would eventually break 的问题,螺栓从来都不是问题,
7:15 down for us as the the product itself got more complex and as we added more 随着产品本身 变得越来越复杂,随着我们向团队添加更多
7:20 Engineers to the team we didn't hit a wall but it started to get really really 工程师,我们并没有 碰壁,但架构开始崩溃了。 真的
7:24 hard to make changes and so you know that was around the time that Jordan was 很难做出改变,所以你知道 那是乔丹
7:29 on the ads team and he's like I wonder there's got to be a better way 在广告团队的时候,他就像我想知道 必须有更好的方法 你外国人
7:38 foreign
7:42 is an enigmatic figure he uh he's a little secretive so there's not much 是个神秘人物他呃他 有点神秘
7:48 that I know about him Jordan and I aren't necessarily we haven't 所以我对他知之甚少乔丹 我不一定我们
7:52 necessarily been in the spotlight much especially Jordan kind of shied away 不一定在聚光灯下很多 特别是乔丹
7:56 from spotlights since the early days Jordan was a product engineer at the 从早期开始就有点回避聚光灯 乔丹当时是一名
8:00 time working on ads and ads has one of the most complicated pieces of UI across 从事广告工作的产品工程师,广告拥有目前 整个 Facebook 上最复杂的用户界面之一,在
8:07 all of Facebook at the moment on the as team they were hitting much 团队中,他们正在触及
8:12 you know really hitting the limits of what you can do without react uh 你知道的很多东西,这确实触及了 你可以在不做出反应的情况下做的事情的极限 呃
8:16 complexity wise and just the developers ability to hold in their head and 复杂性明智,只是开发人员 能够牢记并
8:21 understand a bit of code that somebody else wrote and you know look at the 理解 其他人编写的一些代码,你知道看看
8:25 screen and say okay this code is doing that and I need to know why and Jordan 屏幕并说好吧,这段代码正在这样 做,我需要知道为什么,乔丹
8:29 had a lot of very interesting ideas around how you could take what we had 有很多 非常有趣的想法 ,关于如何利用我们
8:33 done in both and make it much more functional and make it more um ability 在这两个方面所做的工作, 使它更具功能性,并
8:36 to make it easier for it to scale with people's ability to understand large 使其更容易扩展,以适应 人们理解大型
8:40 applications and so we had a lot of ongoing dialogue and he would come back 应用程序的能力 ications 所以我们进行了很多 持续的对话,他会来来
8:43 and forth to us with various ideas how to change it I think one of the original 回回地告诉我们 如何改变它的各种想法我认为反应的原始
8:47 names for react was F bolt which is functional Bolt foreign 名称之一是 F bolt,它是 功能性的 Bolt 外语
8:55 to do it to solve some of the tricky Parts in bolts in an easier way so what 来解决一些问题 螺栓中棘手的部分以更简单的方式进行,所以
9:02 Jordan decided to do or at least the story that he had told me was Jordan 决定做的事情或者至少 他告诉我的故事是
9:08 hey wouldn't it be easier if any time anything happened in the app API State 嘿,如果 应用程序 API 状态中
9:14 changes user type something we just blow away the entire UI and we re-render all 发生任何事情改变用户类型,我们会不会更容易 去掉整个 UI,我们重新渲染
9:19 of it if you look at what every other 所有这些, 如果你看看当时其他所有
9:23 framework was doing at the time it was called two-way data binding and this was 框架在做什么,它被 称为双向数据绑定,
9:27 not that it was like forget about data binding we're not 这并不是说 忘记数据绑定,我们不会
9:31 going to do that at all anytime anything changes we're just going to re-render 去 随时执行任何 更改我们将重新渲染
9:35 and then there's an asterisk which says well we're not going to remember 然后有一个星号 表示我们不会记住
9:37 everything we're going to try to render as little as possible but conceptually 我们将尝试渲染的所有内容 尽可能少但从概念上讲
9:41 we're not going to manage these relationships between views and models 我们是 不会管理这些 之间的关系 视图和模型,
9:45 we're just gonna honestly I thought it was completely 我们只是 老实说,我认为
9:48 crazy at the time I was really down on Frameworks in general and I thought 当时我真的很不喜欢 框架,我认为
9:52 there was no way that was going to work to many people that seemed like magic it 这完全是疯狂的,我认为这对许多人来说是不可能的,因为 它看起来像魔法,
9:57 was so far outside of everybody's idea of how things should work and do work 它太遥远了 每个人 对事情应该如何运作的想法以及如何运作
10:01 that um yeah it took a lot of commenting ,嗯, 是的,它需要很多评论
10:07 [Music] I've been working at Facebook for 10 [音乐] 我已经在 Facebook 工作了 10
10:34 years now I met this person called Jordan walk 年,现在 我遇到了一个叫 Jordan walk 的
10:38 some people told me like he had an interesting project about JavaScript and 人,有人告诉我他有一个 有趣的东西 关于 JavaScript 的项目,
10:42 I may be interested and so I had this meeting with him and uh one thing he 我可能会感兴趣,所以我 和他开了这次会议,呃
10:47 asked me at the beginning of the meeting was what is the most difficult thing to ,在会议开始时他问我一件事,
10:53 do in the front end right now and I mean I was six months out of 现在前端最难做的事情是什么 ,我的意思是我当时六岁 离开
10:59 school I was like I don't know and the thing he told me is updates you need to 学校几个月我就像我不知道, 他告诉我的事情是更新你需要
11:05 find the dumb node that is going to change you need to like change the 找到将要改变的哑节点 你需要喜欢改变
11:09 listener to like the Click event and like remove it and like do all of this 监听器以喜欢 Click 事件并 喜欢删除它并喜欢 做这一切
11:13 which is like pretty complicated and then this was also like a massive source 这是我 这很复杂, 然后这也就像是
11:18 of bugs within the Facebook adbase I was like okay yeah you're right like Facebook 广告库中的大量错误来源, 我说好吧,是的,你是对的,
11:24 this is probably like the hardest thing and it was like I have a solution for 这可能是最困难的事情 ,就像我有解决方案一样,
11:28 this I was like okay this guy is crazy like 我觉得好吧 这家伙太疯狂
11:31 this is never going towards never going to be performance the meeting ended for 了 永远不会走向 永远 不会成为表演 会议
11:36 like a few weeks I forgot about the idea but uh one weekend I was like okay 结束了几周 我忘记了这个想法 但是呃 一个周末 我觉得好吧
11:41 maybe I should try this like maybe there's something to it 也许我应该试试这个 就像之前可能 有一些东西
11:44 [Music] before joining Facebook I walked on a [音乐 ] joining Facebook 我走
11:49 way to find your guilds in World of Warcraft and we basically need to search 在魔兽世界中寻找你的公会的路上 ,我们基本上需要
11:54 through like 20 000 yields and I did like a lot of uh performance work to 搜索大约 20 000 个产量,我确实 喜欢很多呃性能工作,
12:00 like be the fastest way to display possible when you change all of those 当你改变所有的时候,我喜欢成为最快的显示方式 那些
12:04 filters into this real time and I was like okay I spent like months full time 实时过滤器,我 觉得好吧,我花了几个月的
12:10 like working on like making this super performance let's try it with react and 时间来制作这种超级 性能让我们用 React 来尝试它
12:14 in practice uh it took me like half an hour to write it and it was actually ,实际上我花了 半个小时来写它,它是 实际上
12:20 like not as performant but like around the same order of magnitude as 不像性能那么好,但喜欢与性能 大致相同的数量级
12:24 performance and I was like mind blown and to this day I became like the ,我感到很震惊 ,直到今天我成为
12:29 biggest react fan in the world I was in the photos team and like spending all of 世界上最大的 React 粉丝,我 在照片团队,喜欢把我所有的
12:32 my working hours like trying to like use react on my own project in the photos 工作时间都花在 尝试喜欢 在照片团队中对我自己的项目做出反应,
12:36 team evangelizing I felt like it could change the world which is it 传福音,我觉得它可以 改变世界,就是这样
12:44 [Music] [音乐]
12:50 Jordan is making Headway on his project he's gotten others involved and they're 乔丹在他的项目上取得了进展,他让 其他人参与进来,他们
12:56 seeing the value but not everyone is impressed one manager started to take 看到了价值,但不是每个人都看到了 给一位经理留下了深刻的印象,开始
13:02 notice but saw Jordan's project is a distraction 注意到他,但看到乔丹的项目让人 分心,
13:06 so the athlete Byron to meet with Jordan and put a stop to it we get into a room 所以运动员拜伦与乔丹会面 并阻止了它,我们立即进入一个房间,
13:12 instantly I knew that this was going to be weird because we showed up with very 我知道这会 很奇怪,因为我们出现了非常
13:15 different energies so I'm showing up with this like okay Jordan I want to 不同的人 能量所以我 带着这个出现,好吧,乔丹,我
13:20 understand what's going on with your project but I also want to help make 想了解你的项目发生了什么, 但我也想帮助
13:25 sure that we are spending our time well and we're working on things that are 确保我们把时间花得很好 ,我们正在做的事情
13:29 gonna have longevity and solving problems we 将会长寿并解决我们
13:32 want to have and Jordan came in with like can I show you a demo of what I've 想要拥有的问题,乔丹进来了, 就像我可以向您展示我一直在做的事情的演示,
13:35 been working on like this is so exciting and it does this and it does that and 这太令人兴奋了 ,它做到了这一点,它做到了,
13:39 eventually like towards the end of this meeting with him I had to kind of admit 最终喜欢到最后 在 与他的这次会面中,我不得不
13:42 like he had something really compelled like I was now really interested in 承认他确实有某种被强迫的东西, 就像我现在真的很想
13:47 learning more about what what he was doing so Jordan's pitch to me was like I 更多地了解他在 做什么,所以乔丹对我的推介就像我
13:51 only want to invest in this and work on it if it's going to be something that 只想投资于此并为此努力 如果这将成为
13:54 people will use and if that's not going to be the case like sure we're not going 人们会使用的东西,如果 情况并非如此,我们肯定不
13:58 to do this he's like but I feel really strongly that all the ways we've been 会这样做,他说,但我非常 强烈地认为,
14:02 doing UI development up until now have been flawed whether they're a JavaScript 到目前为止,我们一直在进行 UI 开发的所有方式 有缺陷,无论它们是一个
14:06 library that doesn't quite work for us or whether it's like a 30 year old uh 不太适合我们的 JavaScript 库, 还是像一个 30 年的
14:10 tried and true model for doing UI application development like they all UI 应用程序开发久经考验的真实模型, 就像它们都
14:14 suffer from the same base problem Estate Management 遇到相同的基本问题 房地产管理
14:19 and I think this is the way forward and Lee if you could just like dig into ,我认为 这个我 这是前进的方向 ,Lee 如果你愿意深入
14:23 the code and learn more and try it and then come back and we'll talk about 研究代码并了解更多并尝试它 然后回来,我们将
14:28 this again um then we can figure this out it's like 再次讨论这个, 嗯然后我们可以弄清楚它就像
14:31 all right all right and so I did I dug around the code and it was um 好吧好吧,所以我做到了 我仔细研究 了代码,嗯
14:36 a little hard to understand uh but I eventually got to play with it got to ,有点难以理解,呃,但 我最终开始使用它来
14:40 build a couple of things and uh like had to admit coming away that like yes there 构建一些东西,呃, 不得不承认离开了,就像是的,那里
14:44 was something incredibly interesting there and that was how I got sucked into 有一些非常有趣的 东西,那就是 我是如何被吸引到
14:49 the project I ended up working on it quite a bit for the the next couple of 这个项目中的 我最终 在接下来的
14:53 months Lee brings us like rigor and sort of design mentality to these things that 几个月里做了很多工作 Lee 给我们带来了严谨和 某种设计心态来处理这些东西,
14:59 um really helped with the initial versions of react in terms of 嗯 ,在标准化方面确实帮助了 React 的初始版本
15:02 standardizing it and turning it from something that was kind of like an ugly 把它从 有点像一个丑陋的
15:06 baby that it just uh grown up at Facebook to something that really people 婴儿,它刚刚在 Facebook 长大, 变成
15:09 could approach from around the world [Music] 了世界各地的人们真正可以接近的东西 [音乐]
15:12 there were a couple of problems that I faced right away when trying to 我 在尝试时立即遇到了几个问题 g
15:20 understand the code base and build something Not only was the the set of 理解代码库并构建 一些东西不仅
15:25 tools and the mental models really different from what I was used to as a 工具集和心智模型 与我作为 UI 工程师所习惯的完全不同
15:28 UI engineer the syntax and the programming just like 语法和编程就像所
15:33 Concepts involved just the terminology was also really different my takeaway 涉及的概念只是 术语也非常不同我的 外卖
15:38 was you know okay the whole bid here was that this would be simpler but I can't 是你知道好的,这里的整个出价是 这样会更简单,但我
15:43 help but feel like this is really complicated mostly as a as a desire for 忍不住觉得这真的很 复杂,主要是因为
15:47 me to understand the model um but also with a hope that it would 我希望了解模型, 嗯,但也希望它会
15:52 kind of end up helping resolve some things I 好 最终帮助解决了一些我
15:56 wanted to build uh like a glossary like what are all the things the concepts and 想建立的事情,呃,比如词汇表, 比如所有的东西,概念,
16:02 then what are all the like actions or like verbs that are going on here and so 然后是这里发生的所有类似的动作或 类似的动词,所以
16:08 I I literally just like listed them all out and then I would go back to Jordan 我真的很喜欢把它们全部 列出来 然后我会回到约旦,
16:11 I'd go back to other people working on it and ask questions like did I get this 我会回到其他从事这项工作的人 那里,问一些问题,比如我做
16:14 right are these definitions right and they go yeah okay no you should really 对了吗,这些定义是否正确, 他们说的是的,好的,不,你
16:17 think about it that way and be like okay well that's not how this and it would go 真的应该那样考虑 好吧,这不是这样的,它会
16:20 back and forth and back and forth and I'd be honing these definitions and 来回来回, 我会磨练这些定义,
16:24 along the way we'd realize like oh this concept and that concept are the 一路上我们会意识到,哦, 这个概念和那个概念是
16:28 same we're going to name them one thing 一样的, 我们要命名 他们是一件事
16:31 instead of two things so unwinding all of this and essentially writing up what 而不是两件事,所以展开了 所有这些,基本上写出了
16:35 ended up being like a reimagining of the component life 最终 就像是对组件生命周期的重新构想
16:39 cycle and therefore sort of the entire front-facing API for react ,因此有点像 React 的整个 前端 API
16:45 and I was very happy to see like incredible enthusiasm around that Jordan ,我很高兴看到 难以置信的热情
16:48 was like oh this is amazing this really clarifies the ideas at that point a 乔丹说,哦,这太棒了,这真的 澄清了当时的想法
16:52 handful of other folks had gotten involved with the project too and then I ,其他一些人也 参与了这个项目,然后我
16:56 spent sort of the next month or so sort of piece by piece folding those into 花了大约一个月的时间, 把它们一点一点地折叠
17:02 place and pretty significantly changing the surface API of react in the process 到位,然后 在这个过程中相当显着地改变 了 React 的表面 API,
17:07 that was I think the first shift from this being a thing that existed mostly 我认为这是第一个转变,从 一个主要存在
17:13 in Jordan's head that other people were playing with to a thing that all of a 于 Jordan 头脑中 的东西,其他人正在玩的东西到一个所有人都在玩的东西
17:16 sudden felt owned by the whole team uh where team here is like a collection of 突然感觉整个团队都拥有了 嗯 ,这里的团队就像
17:21 UI Engineers scattered across Facebook who were sort of bought in on this 分散在 Facebook 上的 UI 工程师的集合, 他们有点认同这个
17:24 Vision who now felt that like we now have the same terminology we can use 愿景,他们现在觉得就像我们现在 拥有相同的术语,
17:28 when someone has a question anyone can jump in and answer it rather than only 当有人有问题时我们可以使用 任何人都可以 加入并回答它,而不仅仅是
17:32 Jordan that was the first big shift [Music] 乔丹,这是第一个重大转变 [音乐]
17:40 one of the first projects um that Greg was used for was the ufi 第一个项目, 嗯,格雷格被用于的是
17:46 the universal feedback interface which is basically the likes comments and ufi 通用反馈界面, 基本上是喜欢的评论和
17:52 shares at the bottom of each post this was still during Facebook's kind of web 底部的分享 每篇文章 都处于
17:56 era when Facebook on the web was like the sort of Big Driver of Engagement Facebook 的网络时代,当时网络上的 Facebook 就像 是一种参与新闻提要的大驱动力
18:00 news feed had a billion people hitting it every day ,每天都有十亿人点击它,
18:04 and was massively tuned for performance heavily interactive surface both on the 并且在
18:10 input side of course you're like clicking it to add likes you're typing 输入端进行了大规模的性能调整 当然你喜欢 点击它来添加喜欢你正在
18:13 into it to add comments but also on the receiving side we want comments to come 输入它来添加评论但是在 接收方我们希望评论
18:16 in live so as you're looking at it as a comment comes in we want it to just pop 能够实时出现所以当你把它看成一个 com 消息进来了,我们希望它就在
18:20 up right there and there was this product desire for that interface to 那里弹出,这个 产品希望这个界面
18:25 feel almost like a one-off chat thread and that was so cool at that time and as 感觉几乎就像一个一次性的聊天线程 ,这在当时非常酷,当
18:32 that started to work the second thread was well okay if this can work for this 它开始工作时,第二个 线程很好 好吧,如果这可以用于这种
18:36 really isolated sense of messaging then what if it could work for messaging as a 真正孤立的消息传递, 那么如果它可以用于整个消息传递又会怎样
18:40 whole and this was another really complicated ,这是另一个非常复杂
18:44 and fraught with bug surface area that was when a lot of the ideas in react 且充满错误的表面积, 当时反应中的许多想法
18:49 congealed the jsx syntax was introduced and some of the ideas about how to work 凝结了 jsx 语法是 介绍了 一些关于如何
18:55 with data and react sort of were clarified a couple of our UI Engineers 处理数据和做出反应的想法,如果我没记错的话 ,我们的几个 UI 工程师
18:59 along with the messaging team if I remember correctly Jing Chen was sort of 和消息传递团队得到了澄清 Jing Chen
19:04 the champion of this project realized that we needed a completely new way to 是这个项目的冠军, 意识到我们需要一个全新的
19:07 think about State too 考虑 State 的方式也是
19:12 so my name is John um and I'm a software engineer and the 如此,所以我叫 John um,我是一名软件工程师
19:15 product infrastructure team at Facebook is an application architecture designed ,Facebook 的产品基础架构团队 是一个围绕 React 的单向原则设计的应用程序架构
19:20 around react's principle of unidirectional data flow paired with onal data flow 与
19:25 flux react could go beyond the view layer to model entire applications this flux react 相结合可以超越视图 层来对整个应用程序进行建模,这种
19:30 shift in how to think about State paired very well with how react was thinking 对 State 的思考方式的转变 与 react 对更新 UI 的思考方式很好地结合在一起,
19:34 about updating UI and ended up being sort of the next chapter for how to 并最终成为 下一章的
19:39 think about react being more than just how do you model complicated UI but how 思考方式 React 不仅仅是 如何为复杂的 UI 建模,而是如何为
19:45 do you model sufficiently complicated applications like this was something 足够复杂的 应用程序建模,就像
19:48 that expanded the full screen and multiple touch points and had navigation 这样扩展了全屏和 多个触摸点并可以导航
19:51 to it and it allowed us to step into that next chapter I remember asking Jing 到它,它让我们 进入下一章我记得问过 Jing
19:56 like hey how's it going with this react stuff you know do you think this is 说,嘿,这个 React 东西怎么样了, 你知道吗,你认为这
20:00 going to work she's like yeah this is pretty good I'm pretty sure it's gonna 会起作用吗,她就像是的,这 很好,我很确定它会
20:03 work that was when I became more convinced 起作用,那时我变得更加 确信
20:07 [Music] thank you [音乐] 谢谢
20:17 [Music] [音乐]
20:21 Instagram joined Facebook in 2012. I think we had started calling it react by Instagram 于 2012 年加入 Facebook。我 想那时我们已经开始称它为 React,
20:27 then and there was a couple Engineers from Facebook that went to join Facebook 的几位工程师加入
20:30 Instagram to help them expand the product offering at the time Instagram Instagram 以帮助他们扩展 产品 ct 当时提供的 Instagram
20:35 was just an iOS and an Android app and they wanted to have a web presence as 只是一个 iOS 和一个 Android 应用程序, 他们希望在网络上
20:39 well foreign 也有 外国
20:43 [Music] 11 years in San Francisco it was a [音乐] 在旧金山 11 年,这
20:49 really fun made a lot of great friends but the the change of pace out in the in 真的很有趣,结识了很多好朋友, 但节奏发生了变化
20:54 the countryside is is great um it's just very peaceful and nice 在乡下是很棒的, 嗯,非常安静和美好
20:59 I went to Facebook straight at school I studied computer science undergrad and I 我在学校直接去了 Facebook 我 本科学习计算机科学并
21:03 got a master's degree Facebook was believe it or not the like cool place to 获得了硕士学位 无论你相信与否,Facebook 都是
21:08 work back in 2010 it was like this great product that like everybody used it was 2010 年工作的好地方它 就像这个很棒的 产品,每个人都在使用它,它
21:13 super cool on college campuses and I was really excited to work there 在大学校园里非常酷,我 很高兴能在那里工作,在
21:19 foreign 国外
21:23 I joined Facebook video the pitch was we're the third largest 我加入了 Facebook 视频宣传我们是
21:29 video site in the world after YouTube and Dailymotion I think and there was 继 YouTube 和 Dailymotion 之后的世界第三大视频网站, 我认为和
21:35 like one engineer working on it and like you get to be engineer number two and I 好像有一个工程师在做这件事,就像 你成为二号工程师
21:38 was like that sounds pretty cool we worked really closely with the iOS 一样,我觉得这听起来很酷,我们 与
21:41 photos team in the Android Photos team and we were building an Instagram killer Android Photos 团队中的 iOS photos 团队密切合作 ,我们是 bui 一个 Instagram 杀手
21:44 and nobody remembers this but it was called Facebook Camera ,没人记得这个,但它被 称为 Facebook Camera
21:48 one morning the photo scene got called into the office early they said like be 一天早上,照片场景很 早就被叫到办公室,他们说
21:52 at HQ at 8am and then the VP of engineering was like hey we bought 早上 8 点在总部,然后工程副总裁说, 嘿,我们买了
21:56 Instagram they're your new co-workers now and these were like our people that Instagram,他们是你的新人 现在是同事,这些人就像我们的人,
21:59 they were like our Fierce competitors you know we looked at them a little bit 他们就像我们的激烈竞争对手, 你知道我们有点把他们
22:03 as the enemy I'm sure they looked at us a little bit as the enemy they were a 当作敌人,我敢肯定他们有点把我们 当作敌人,他们是一个
22:07 really small team at the time they had their core fundamentals really nailed 非常小的团队 他们真正确定了核心基础知识的时间,
22:10 but there was a lot of stuff they needed to figure out that they did not have the 但是他们需要弄清楚很多东西 ,而他们没有
22:15 team to figure out along with their own and a big one of those was what does it 团队来弄清楚自己的东西 ,其中很大的一个就是
22:19 mean for Instagram to be on the web the web experience is really important for Instagram 意味着什么 在 web 上, web 体验对于
22:22 driving growth and so this was a pretty important priority and so me and this 推动增长非常重要,所以这是一个非常 重要的优先事项,所以我和这位
22:25 Designer Michael lumens started building all the web stuff and that's kind of 设计师 Michael lumens 开始构建 所有 web 的东西,这
22:30 where react enters the pictures when we started 就是 react 进入图片的地方 wh 然后我们开始
22:34 developing this website [Music] 开发这个网站 [音乐],
22:42 we were given this mandate to use client rendering so I went to the product 我们被授权使用客户端 渲染,所以我去了 Facebook 的产品
22:48 infrastructure team at Facebook which was run by like Tom Aquino product 基础架构团队, 该团队由 Tom Aquino 运营,产品
22:54 infrastructure's role was to support any team that needed help 基础架构的角色是支持任何 需要帮助的团队,
22:59 and do it in a way that you know your key indicators of success are going to 并在 你知道你 成功的关键指标的一种方式
23:04 be other teams saying yeah that really helped us you go to them and you kind of 是其他团队说是的,这真的 帮助了我们你去他们那里,你有点
23:08 consult the Council of Elders and they they give you their recommendation and I 咨询长老会, 他们给你他们的建议,我
23:14 said hey we need to do client rendering what do we do and the recommendation at 说嘿我们需要做 客户端渲染 我们做什么,当时的建议
23:18 the time was yeah we don't know we've got like three different things that 是是的,我们不知道我们 正在处理三个不同的东西,
23:21 we're working on you should go try one we had uh something called bolt Js 你应该去试试一个, 我们有一个叫做 bolt Js 的东西,
23:28 there was a second thing called jshtml and then there was this this thing 还有第二个 叫做 jshtml ,然后有一个
23:35 called react you wouldn't spoke to Jordan about using 叫做 react 的东西, 你不会和 Jordan 谈论使用 React,
23:39 react and he came and talked to me about potentially using both for it but I 他来和我谈论 可能同时使用它,但我
23:43 think he really really liked Jordan's ideas around functional programming the 认为他真的很喜欢 Jordan 的 想法 围绕函数式编程,
23:48 conceptual model of react was like crazy Innovative and it really really spoke to React 的概念模型就像是疯狂的 创新,它真的告诉了
23:52 me my background was in distributed systems I was not somebody that loved 我我的背景是在分布式 系统中,我不是一个喜欢
23:58 front end or thought front end was like doing things well so the fact that react 前端的人,也不认为前端就像把 事情做好,所以 React
24:02 came in with like a totally Fresh Approach and like didn't really care too 出现了 就像一个完全新鲜的 方法,并
24:06 much about existing best practices like I was I was on board with that so while 不太关心现有的最佳实践,就像 我在船上一样,所以当
24:11 I had evaluated all three I really just dove in on react to build a prototype 我评估了所有这三个方法时,我真的只是 投入了反应,首先构建了一个原型
24:14 first and that ended up shipping on which was the second use ,结果是 在 上发布,这是有史以来第二次
24:21 of of reactant production ever and the first use of building a full application 使用反应物生产,也是 第一次使用端到端构建完整的应用程序
24:25 end to end in react
24:30 when I chose react for Instagram it was not well known within Facebook 当我为 Instagram 选择 React 时, 它在 Facebook 中并不为人所知
24:34 and it was this like kind of crazy science experiment ,这有点疯狂 科学实验
24:39 not even close by the time Instagram was and you know Pete was started playing 在 Instagram 出现时甚至还没有结束 ,你知道皮特开始
24:45 with it uh it was significantly better than it was in the early early stage uh 玩它,呃, 它比早期阶段好得多,呃,
24:50 but it still needed a ton of iteration we had to take this thing that was very 但它仍然 我需要大量的迭代, 我们不得不接受这个
24:53 much tied to Facebook's infrastructure which back then was a big giant PHP 与 Facebook 的基础设施非常相关的东西 ,当时它是一个巨大的 PHP
24:58 application and I had to go get that working in a Django application which is 应用程序,我不得不 让它在 Django 应用程序中工作,这是
25:02 a totally different system and what was key was not doing that once but making 一个完全不同的系统,什么是 关键不是只做一次,而是让它
25:07 that a repeatable process and and making sure that that pipeline didn't break I 成为一个可重复的过程,并 确保管道不会中断
25:12 think he hit a number of really interesting problems along the way which -
25:15 quite proved the fact that react was not quite ready for that scale and along the 一路上,
25:21 way Pete and the team that he was working with into that building a lot of Pete 和他的 团队正在构建许多
25:23 really interesting things [Music] 非常有趣的东西 [音乐]
25:28 foreign 国外,
25:50 some of these products ended up being fairly successful there were relatively 其中一些产品最终 相当成功,在相对
25:55 short time to to deliver a relatively high quality product that show that this 较短的时间内交付了一个相对 高质量的产品,这表明 这个
26:01 model could work and it was not just that but people liked developing using 模型可以工作,不仅 如此,而且人们喜欢使用
26:06 it and so that kind of spread and took off and especially if you got more and 它进行开发,所以这种模式传播开 来,尤其是当你得到越来越
26:12 more investment they came clear that this was 多的投资时 他们很清楚, 这
26:15 what we wanted to use and it was really ads that was kind of using Baltimore it 就是我们想要使用的东西,它确实是 广告,它在某种程度上使用了巴尔的摩,它
26:21 had a higher level investment more people working in that code base that 有更高层次的投资,更多的 人在
26:27 already knew it and more components so it was a harder shift to make 已经知道它的代码库和更多的组件中工作, 所以它更难转向
26:35 the ads team just before I joined ads from the mobile team had done a full 在我加入广告团队之前让广告团队
26:39 rewrite of the ads creation flow into bolt which took them I think upwards of 将广告创建流程完全重写为 bolt,我认为这花了他们六个月以上的
26:44 six months replacing a very old PHP application with what time was 时间 用当时被
26:50 considered a very modern JavaScript application but at the same time react 认为是非常现代的 JavaScript 应用程序替换了一个非常旧的 PHP 应用程序 但与此同时,
26:53 was also now actually deployed for real on Facebook and had a team that was React 现在也实际部署 在 Facebook 上,并围绕它组建了一个团队,
26:59 forming around it so we now had two viable Frameworks that were both live on 所以我们现在有两个 可行的框架,它们都在
27:03 Facebook both solving real problems we shouldn't have two especially two that Facebook 上运行,都解决了实际问题,我们 不应该有两个,尤其是两个
27:09 were similar similar enough to confuse people like if you looked at a code 相似到足以让人们感到困惑, 就像如果您查看代码,
27:12 their code almost looked identical but that worked really differently it would 他们的代码看起来几乎相同, 但工作方式
27:16 actually be an absolute nightmare if you had to work in both so we had to decide 却完全不同,如果 你 必须在两者中工作,所以我们必须
27:20 which which to use [Music] 决定使用哪个 [音乐
27:26 a lot of this was ended up being a conversation between myself and Jordan ] 很多这最终成为 我和乔丹之间的对话,
27:30 we did an evaluation of boredom a lot of performance-based stuff and trying to 我们对无聊进行了评估,很多基于 性能的东西并试图
27:36 figure out where the edge cases were on the pro side of react obviously there's 弄清楚 边缘情况在 反应的专业方面显然有
27:39 all the things that we know now it handles complexity way way more even 我们现在知道的所有事情它 处理复杂性的方式更多即使
27:44 when writing the as creation flow in bold we had already hit one place that 在用粗体编写 as 创建流程时 我们已经达到了一个地方,
27:48 you just could not do in Bolt without writing spaghetti code and you can do in 如果没有,你在 Bolt 中无法做到 编写意大利面条代码,你可以
27:52 react so we knew in the future even if it was only 10 of the experiences we 做出反应,所以我们知道将来即使 我们正在构建的体验中只有 10 个,
27:57 were building we're going to run into this problem again now it might only be 我们也会再次遇到 这个问题,现在它可能只有
28:00 10 unmaintainable but as you scale that across a company that is growing rapidly 10 个无法维护,但随着你扩展它 一家发展迅速的公司,
28:04 this becomes an absolute mess the cons of it on the other hand were that react 这变得一团糟 另一方面,它的缺点是
28:09 in a lot of ways was not battle tested yet there's a lot of things that simply 在很多方面的反应都没有经过实战测试, 但有很多事情
28:12 didn't work in react it couldn't handle forms they'd never done a text box and 在它无法处理的反应中根本不起作用 形式 他们从来没有做过文本框,
28:16 there's a lot of complexities around handing awkward form controls like radio 处理单选按钮等笨拙的表单控件有很多复杂性
28:19 buttons and so on that it messed up just performance issues where it would try ,它搞砸了 性能问题,它会
28:24 and re-render large blocks so they hadn't had to do all of the performance 尝试重新渲染大块,所以 他们不必做
28:28 improvements that obviously exist now on the organizational side that the other 现在在组织方面明显存在的所有性能改进, 另一个
28:33 con was that we had just done the six-month rewrite in both 缺点是我们刚刚完成了 为期六个月的重写,
28:37 um Facebook had done an IPO recently and the stock had 嗯 Facebook 最近进行了 IPO,
28:42 since IPO Facebook wasn't making enough money and 自 IPO 以来股票 一直没有 Facebook 没有赚到足够的钱
28:45 so the ads team is the team that makes you know that's where the money starts 所以广告团队是让你知道的团队,
28:48 if we stop for four months we're gonna have to tell everybody 如果我们停止四个月,那是
28:53 sorry no money for you so there was a lot of conversation back and forth about 钱开始
28:56 all this it was got very difficult initially a lot of the engineers that 的地方 最初非常困难, 很多使用螺栓的工程师,
29:00 used bolt including Shane realized just what you said like look we've invested 包括 Shane 都 意识到你所说的,就像我们
29:04 so much in this thing and it's it's really worked for all this stuff 在这件事上投入了很多,它 确实对所有这些东西
29:07 certainly we can work through the next set of challenges we're having so 都有效,我们当然可以努力 尽管我们面临着下一 组挑战,所以
29:10 initially there was opposition to react coming in and saying like how are you 最初有人反对做出反应 ,说你
29:14 gonna you know this new thing that's not even proven yet this is our business 怎么知道这个甚至还没有被证实的新事物, 但这是我们的业务,
29:18 this is really important when Jordan and I were working through it was definitely 这在乔丹和我工作时非常重要 通过它肯定是
29:22 uh some emotions uh there um and mostly I think it came from uh 呃一些情绪呃那里 嗯而且主要是我认为它来自呃
29:27 each of us having a lack of context of where the other one was coming from so I 我们每个人都缺乏 另一个人来自哪里的背景所以我
29:30 think there was a lot of talking past each other in the end Mike shroffer 认为最后有很多 相互交谈迈克 shroffer
29:34 stepped in and said look make the right technical decision make 介入并说, 做出正确的技术决策,
29:38 the right long-term decision and whatever it is 做出正确的长期决策 ,无论
29:43 you know I'll back you up but if you need to pause product development for 你知道什么,我都会支持你,但如果你 需要暂停产品开发
29:47 four months you can we all kind of just got in rooms and you know worked through 四个月,我们都可以 参与进来 房间,你知道经历了
29:52 all these things and got everything out in the air of you know what's a 所有这些事情,把一切都弄清楚 了,你知道什么是
29:55 technical problem what's an organization problem what's a financial problem uh 技术问题,什么是组织 问题,什么是财务问题,嗯
29:59 and uh kind of a computer understanding eventually ,嗯, 最终计算机的理解
30:03 um through uh through uh with lots and lots of coffee 嗯, 嗯,嗯,喝了很多很多咖啡
30:06 that the react was the right way to go but um it was not a straight line at all ,反应是正确的方式, 但嗯,这根本不是一条直线,
30:11 he ultimately was one of the biggest proponents of decision makers and ads 他最终是决策者和广告的最大支持者之一,在
30:16 switching all over everything to react and that doesn't happen in most 所有事情上都进行了反应 , 这在大多数
30:21 companies and most companies if that's your baby project you try to undermine 公司和大多数公司都不会发生,如果那是 你的婴儿项目,你会试图
30:25 the other the the upstart because you're you know you're really defensive over 破坏另一个暴发户,因为 你知道你真的对
30:29 your own thing that was not the vibe at Facebook at the time and I think that 自己的事情进行防御,而这在当时的 Facebook 并不流行 我认为
30:33 Shane in particular really exemplified that 尤其是 Shane 确实 证明了
30:38 there was still a lot of work to do on the ads creation flow tensions were 在广告创作流程上还有很多工作要做
30:43 mounting and the team was stuck here again to get them unstuck is Jing Chen -
30:50 we'd have this thorny management issue and a lot of people disagreeing with -
30:54 each other up and down the management chain on both sides of you know in ads 在广告
30:57 and in this product infrastructure group those building react and we'd send Jing 和这个产品基础设施组
31:01 in to talk to the engineers and everyone come out like patting each other on the 中,很多人在管理链上上下下彼此意见不一 每个 人都喜欢互相拍拍对方的
31:05 back full agreement a plan to move forward so she's great at building a 背完全同意一个前进的计划 所以她很擅长建立
31:09 consensus because she's able to drill into the important technical details 共识因为她能够深入 研究重要的技术细节
31:14 identify them really quickly and and get everyone talking about the same thing 真正快速地识别它们并让 每个人都谈论同样的事情
31:17 she obviously helped both build the product but she also made sure that 她显然 帮助双方构建 产品,但她也确保
31:21 every time we found a bug in react or just something that didn't handle yet 每次我们发现 React 中的错误或 只是无法处理的问题时,
31:25 she either stepped back from products and then just fixed the framework or she 她要么退出产品 然后修复框架,要么
31:30 went back to the team and said look we need two or three Engineers working on 回到团队并说看 下个月我们 需要两到三名工程师来处理
31:33 this stuff for the next month to unblock the ads team the ads manager was 这些事情,以解除广​​告 团队的阻碍广告管理器
31:37 complicated enough that it actually ended up being a really great source of 非常复杂,以至于它实际上 最终成为了 um 性能改进的一个非常重要的来源,
31:42 um performance improvements and finding like where are the true points where it 并 发现它真正的作用在
31:47 does doesn't quite scale so I think it was a lot of like you using the building 哪里 规模不大,所以我认为 这很像您使用
31:51 blocks that we had and as you start to assemble them into a 我们拥有的构建块, 然后开始将它们组装成一个
31:54 really complicated looking application what are the new problems that come out 非常复杂的 l 预订应用程序 我们需要解决的新问题是什么,
31:57 of that way that we need to solve and there was definitely a lot of those this 肯定有很多,这
32:00 is one of the most fun intense periods of my career as I remember it we would 是我职业生涯中最有趣的紧张时期 之一,我记得我们
32:05 be going to meet with the team and we would have to help them put some feature 将与 团队,我们 将不得不帮助他们加入一些
32:08 in and we would code it up ourselves first and react just to make sure that 功能,我们会先自己编写代码 并做出反应,以
32:13 the that they wouldn't hit any rough edges or more like to find all the rough 确保他们不会碰到任何粗糙的 边缘,或者更像是
32:17 edges that we knew they'd hit and figure out what the solutions would be so it 找到我们知道的所有粗糙边缘 我 想出了解决方案,这
32:21 was really exciting because we were working on two things at the same time 真的很令人兴奋,因为我们 同时在做两件事,
32:25 one was delivering this really complicated really important software 一个是为 Facebook 呃广告经理交付这个非常 复杂非常重要的软件
32:29 project for Facebook uh the ads manager and the other was refining this 项目 ,另一个是改进这个
32:33 framework that we really believed in uh which was react 框架 我们真的相信呃 ,
32:38 by the time we had rebuilt the ads creation flow which I think took about 当我们重建广告创建流程时,我们做出了反应 ,我认为这花了大约
32:42 four months it had been battle tested with basically everything about the 四个月的时间,它已经过战斗测试 ,基本上
32:46 browser supports all the form fields and everything and also massive performance 浏览器的所有内容都支持所有 f orm 字段和 所有内容以及
32:51 issues that had been resolved so at that point it was kind of felt that it was 已经解决的大量性能问题,所以在 那时感觉它已经
32:56 ready to be open source because you know we we used it in multiple 准备好开源,因为 你知道我们在多种
33:01 different types of contexts and that uh you know um it would actually be 不同类型的上下文中使用它并且呃 你知道嗯它 实际上
33:05 generally useful to the public [Music] 通常对公众有用 [音乐]
33:18 where's
33:21 uh there is not sorry open sourcing reactor is never a 呃,不 抱歉,开源反应堆对我来说从来都不是
33:27 question for me that was the goal from the very beginning Tom had this 问题,这 从一开始就是目标 Tom 有这个
33:32 idea he called it project perception and he was really 想法,他称之为项目感知 ,我认为他真的很
33:37 angry I think it's probably the best word for he's angry that Facebook was 生气 这可能是最好的 词,因为他对 Facebook
33:40 hiring all these luminaries from the JavaScript World they would come to 从 JavaScript 世界招聘所有这些杰出人物感到愤怒, 他们会来到
33:44 Facebook and you know because we discouraged people from writing Facebook,你知道,因为我们 不鼓励人们编写
33:48 client-side JavaScript and because it was a hard environment to maneuver in it 客户端 JavaScript,而且因为这 是一个难以操纵的环境
33:52 would actually go pick up mobile because that was where a lot of the interesting ,实际上 去选择移动,因为 那是很多有趣的
33:56 client-side development was happening and Tom was determined to change us 客户端开发发生的地方 ,Tom 决心改变
33:59 around I remember going to this conference and someone like I was 我们,我记得去 我参加了这次 会议,有人像我在和
34:04 talking to someone and I told them I worked at Facebook on JavaScript and 某人交谈,我告诉他们我 在 Facebook 从事 JavaScript 工作,
34:07 they're like why would you do that I hate what Facebook does to the 他们说你为什么要那样做我 讨厌 Facebook 对 JavaScript 行业所做的事情
34:10 JavaScript industry you have hired all these really great people from these 你雇佣了所有 这些非常棒的人来自 这些
34:14 really great projects and we have no idea what they're working on now they've 非常棒的项目,我们不 知道他们在做什么,现在
34:17 given nothing back so I think when react came along I started very early on 他们什么也没回馈,所以我想当 React 出现时,我很早就开始
34:23 talking about if this thing works for us I really want us to find a path to open 谈论这件事是否对我们 有用,我真的希望我们找到一条路
34:28 source and I was running that up the like management chain like very early so 开源,我 很早就在类似的管理链上运行了,所以
34:32 when the time came to open source it there were some meetings it was 当开源的时候, 有一些会议是
34:35 controversial but we had all the support we needed 有争议的, 但我们已经得到了我们需要的所有支持
34:39 already
34:44 the process of open sourcing uh is interesting there's first a technical ,开源的过程呃很 有趣 首先
34:50 problem to solve you have to figure out how to extract it out of your 要解决一个技术问题,你必须弄清楚 如何将它从你的
34:54 infrastructure and make it work in the open source which is all the homework 基础设施中提取出来,并使其在 开源中工作,这是
34:58 that we did for Instagram we made this call that like we will not 我们为 Instagram 所做的所有功课,我们做了这个电话 就像我们根本不会
35:02 impact developer productivity at all it's going to be entirely on the open 影响开发人员的生产力一样, 这将完全取决于
35:05 source team which was just a bunch of people that wanted to open source it to 开源团队,这只是 一群想要开源它以
35:10 make it work then actually pulling the trigger on open source 使其工作的人,然后实际上 拉动开源
35:14 we had to write a lot of documentation we spent actually a lot of time with the 我们不得不写很多东西 文档 我们实际上花了很多时间
35:19 documentation to explain like hey what is react what are all the concepts and 来解释文档,比如嘿什么 是反应什么是所有概念,
35:23 we try to put ourselves in the shoes of like somebody that want to build an app 我们试图让自己 站在想要构建应用程序的
35:27 how do we give the documentation in a way it like helps them do that polish 人的角度,我们如何在 这就像帮助他们完善
35:33 Channel as they did a lot of this because he really had the experience Channel 一样,他们做了很多这样的事情, 因为他确实
35:35 with what the ecosystem needed to make this work at the time Apollo fantasy was 拥有生态系统所需 的经验,当时 Apollo fantasy 是
35:41 a huge force on open sourcing as was James Pierce who was the head of 开源的巨大力量, James Pierce 也是,他是
35:48 Facebook open source James had joined the company and he really wanted to Facebook 开源负责人 James 加入 了公司,他真的很想
35:54 change Facebook's open source image we had previously open sourced a lot of 改变 Facebook 的开源形象,我们 以前开源了很多
35:58 stuff but we let it rot we would say hey we're an open source company here's our 东西,但我们让它腐烂了,我们会说,嘿, 我们是开放的,所以 urce 公司这是我们
36:02 great framework and then we would just never maintain it and James and Paul in 伟大的框架,然后我们 永远不会维护它,尤其是 James 和 Paul,
36:06 particular were like pretty instrumental in saying hey if we're going to open 他们非常 乐于说嘿,如果我们要
36:09 source react we're going to do it right internally there was a lot of excitement 开源 React,我们将在 内部进行,有很多 兴奋,
36:14 because we had already been using this thing for a while and it was working for 因为我们已经使用这个 东西一段时间了,它对
36:19 us we were excited about it we chose jsconf us which was kind of the 我们有用,我们对此感到兴奋,我们选择了 jsconf,这有点像
36:25 I don't know the Oscars of JavaScript is that fair representation maybe you know 我不知道 JavaScript 的奥斯卡奖 是公平的代表,也许你知道
36:30 all the celebrities are there and everyone's paying attention and 所有的 名人在那里, 每个人都在关注,
36:32 everybody watches it live on YouTube Tom and Jordan put together this 每个人都在 YouTube 上观看直播 汤姆 和乔丹整理了这个
36:36 presentation Tom is a great speaker and Jordan is a brilliant engineer it was 演示文稿 汤姆是一位出色的演讲者, 乔丹是一位出色的工程师,
36:40 like Lennon and McCartney type of situation there was no way that this 就像列侬和麦卡特尼那样的 情况,这
36:45 thing could possibly fail 件事不可能发生 失败
36:48 [Music] it was in Florida [音乐] 那是在佛罗里达州,
36:56 um at like 9 00 a.m We were in Menlo Park and we woke up early we took the 嗯,大约上午 9 点,我们在门 洛帕克,我们很早就醒了,我们乘坐
37:01 first bus into the office it was completely empty and we're like getting 第一班公共汽车去办公室,那里 完全是空的,我们就像 gett
37:04 ready to like press the button on the repo to open sources Jordan and I were 准备好按下 repo 上的按钮 以开源 Jordan 和我
37:08 all excited we got up on stage I'm going to talk a bit about how we do JavaScript 都很兴奋我们上台了我 要谈谈我们如何
37:12 application development at Facebook it was a little unconventional I like did a 在 Facebook 进行 JavaScript 应用程序开发 这有点不同寻常我喜欢做
37:15 little bit of it he did more of it so along with react we are shipping an 一点点他做了更多所以 连同 React
37:20 embeddable XML syntax and we're calling that jsx and we jumped into showing some 我们正在发布一个可嵌入的 XML 语法,我们 称它为 jsx,我们开始展示一些
37:25 code and that code looked different it looked weird here we have react used 代码,这些代码看起来不一样, 这里看起来很奇怪,我们已经将
37:31 with jsx and people were rightfully skeptical we'll call it everyone hated React 与 jsx 一起使用,并且 人们理所当然地 怀疑我们会称它为每个人都讨厌
37:37 it everyone thought it was awful foreign 它每个人都认为它是可怕的
37:45 [Music] ly we were expecting a much better 外国音乐
37:49 reception or at least an oh that's interesting exception we thought there'd -
37:53 be some language nerds in there who would um think oh I can do fully 嗯,我想哦,我可以
37:58 functional program in the UI oh at least that's interesting it was a really 在 UI 中完成功能齐全的程序哦,至少 那很有趣,这是一次非常令人
38:01 humbling experience it was kind of a letdown for us because we had worked 羞愧的经历,这 对我们来说有点令人失望,因为我们
38:05 nights and weekends on getting this thing open sourceable and then when we 为了让这个东西 op 工作了几个晚上和周末 en sourceable 然后当
38:08 go to launch it everyone hated it the thing that everyone focuses on is that 我们发布它时每个人都讨厌它 每个人都关注的是
38:11 people really hated jsx 人们真的很讨厌 jsx
38:18 I haven't watched this video in a while -
38:24 see these divs are not exactly what you're used to they're not 不是
38:28 Dom nodes so they're special reactives and I'll Dom 节点, 所以它们是特殊的反应器,
38:32 get to why that's important I don't remember thinking that they were hating 我会明白为什么这很重要
38:35 it I don't remember at all thinking that they were like tweeting a bunch of a -
38:41 bunch of stuff this is the slide for sure we haven't talked about any 肯定是幻灯片 我们没有讨论
38:45 problems we're trying to solve we haven't talked about why this is working 我们试图解决的任何问题 我们 还没有讨论为什么这
38:48 for us or what were the principles of design we're just like boom here's some 对我们有用或者设计原则是什么 我们就像繁荣一样 这
38:52 XML in your JavaScript and people are like hey what is happening 是你的 JavaScript 中的一些 XML 人们会 说,嘿,发生了什么事,
38:56 uh poor Jordan what we didn't really fully understand 可怜的乔丹 ,我们没有真正完全理解的
39:01 was how big of a Delta there was between where the rest of the world was in the 是,在世界其他地方的
39:06 JavaScript community and where Facebook was JavaScript 社区和 Facebook 之间有多大的差异,
39:08 I don't blame them I don't think anybody who tweeted Facebook is crazy 我不怪他们,我 不要认为 在 Facebook 上发推文的人是疯子
39:12 was crazy themselves I think they were they were kind of right we were a little 他们自己很疯狂 我认为 他们是对的 我们有点
39:17 crazy I think there was a moment for me 疯狂
39:21 personally where I felt like you know my goal with the open sourcing -
39:25 of this was to get us closer to the community and I may have set us back a 我可能让我们后
39:29 step I may have demonstrated that we actually have no idea what we're doing 退了一步我可能已经证明我们 实际上并不知道我们在做
39:34 because what we're doing is so much different than what the rest of the 什么因为我们正在做 的与社区其他人
39:37 community was doing and internally there was a 正在做的有很大不同并且在内部
39:41 well we messed that up we made the wrong call 我们搞砸了 那我们打错 电话了,
39:46 um because I think the measure of success would have been wow Facebook 因为我认为成功的衡量标准 是哇 Facebook
39:49 engineering is doing some really cool stuff and instead it was Facebook 工程正在做一些非常酷的 事情,相反,Facebook
39:52 engineering has no idea what they're doing I think that gsconf 工程不知道他们在 做什么,我认为 gsconf
39:56 um appearance might have been Jordan's last conference for a good few years I um 外观可能是 乔丹 几年来的最后一次会议,我
40:01 think camokino didn't go back for a while as well it turned into a bit of a 认为 camokino 也有一段时间没有回去了 ,它无缘无故地变成了一个
40:04 troll Fest for no good reason and particularly for something that was as 巨魔节, 特别是对于
40:08 an Innovative and useful and you know just fantastic for developer 一些创新和有用的东西,哟 你知道 这对开发人员的工作
40:13 productivity and just it's literally a gift to everybody here here move faster 效率来说太棒了,它实际上是 给这里每个人的礼物免费移动更快
40:16 for free to have people misunderstand it and say all these bad things about it 让人们 误解它并说出所有这些不好的
40:21 that were just you know knee-jerk reactions without 事情只是 你知道下意识的反应而没有
40:24 actually having taken time to think about it 真正花时间思考 关于这件事,
40:26 um can only must have felt very bad especially because both Jordan and Tamil 嗯,一定感觉很糟糕, 尤其是因为乔丹和泰米尔
40:29 had already gone through all this internally in Facebook for two years but 人已经 在 Facebook 内部经历了两年,但
40:32 inside in Facebook it's a smaller scale you can just get in a meeting room and 在 Facebook 内部,规模较小, 你可以进入会议室
40:35 talk about it um but you can't really do that with the 谈论它, 嗯,但是 你不能真的对全世界都这样做,你
40:37 whole world can you there were some technical decisions that were made as 能不能有一些 技术决定
40:41 hard to react that were self-evident within Facebook but were like crazy when 很难做出反应,这些决定 在 Facebook 内是不言而喻的,但是
40:48 when um given to a different audience in the community so there was this notion 当 um 给社区中的不同观众时就像疯了一样, 所以有
40:51 of separation of concerns at the time like you didn't you shouldn't put your 当时这种关注点分离的概念 就像你不应该把你的
40:57 HTML CSS and JavaScript into the same file like should I really extract them HTML CSS 和 JavaScript 放到同一个 文件中就像我真的应该把它们提取
41:02 out and you should like uh like have this separation and so this was like 出来然后你 你应该喜欢 这个分离,所以这
41:06 very like the best practice at the time what was interesting about the approach 就像当时的最佳实践一样, 在 React 中分离关注点的方法有趣的
41:12 to separation concerns in react is that you separate your concerns into 是 你将你的关注点分成
41:15 different components so rather than saying I have my view concerns over here 不同的组件,而不是 说我有我的观点关注点 在这里
41:19 and my model concerns over here you say you have your news feed concerns over 和我的模型问题在这里你说 你有你的新闻提要问题在
41:23 here your photo concerns over here your admin panel concerns over here so it's a 这里你的照片问题在这里你的 管理面板问题所以这是一种
41:28 different way of separating concerns and so there was like a lot of backlash 不同的分离问题的方式 所以周围有很多反对意见
41:32 around like oh those people at Facebook are clowns like they don't know how to 哦那些 Facebook 的人就像小丑一样,就像他们不知道如何
41:36 write software and everything we thought that react probably had no future 编写软件一样,我们 认为反应的一切可能在 Facebook 之外没有前途
41:39 outside of Facebook [Music] [音乐]
41:52 it looked like all hope was lost for our friends at the Facebook office but 看起来我们 在 Facebook 办公室的朋友们的希望都破灭了,但
41:58 fortunately someone outside of Facebook was willing to give it a chance 幸运的是 Facebook willed to give it a chance
42:03 foreign [Music] 国外 [Music]
42:11 started using react in 2013 it was not popular in the community it had just 2013年开始用react 社区不流行 刚
42:17 been announced at jsconf I saw the announcement post on Hacker 在js上宣布 我在 Hacker News 上看到了公告帖子,
42:24 News and immediately thought that it would be helpful for one 并立即 认为这对
42:29 of the projects that I was working on at the time I was building an interactive 我当时正在从事的一个项目很有帮助, 当时我正在可汗学院构建一个交互式
42:33 math question editor at Khan Academy and it was something that had a very 数学问题编辑器, 它具有非常重要的
42:38 component oriented architecture I was trying to use backbone.js at the time 组成部分 面向架构 我 当时尝试使用 backbone.js
42:42 and found that the state management was getting a little bit hard and when I ,发现状态管理 变得有点困难,当我
42:48 looked at react I thought to myself wow this actually looks like it solves a lot 看到 React 时,我心想,哇, 这实际上看起来解决
42:53 of the problems that I have right now 了我遇到的很多问题 现在
42:57 I'm looking at this post from 2013 that I guess I wrote a week after I learned 我正在看这篇 2013 年的帖子, 我想我是在了解 React 一周后写的
43:05 about react and it was right after I had started trying to use it and somebody ,那是在我 开始尝试使用它之后,
43:11 had asked how is Facebook's react JavaScript library and I was a few days 有人问 Facebook 的 React JavaScript 库如何,我当时只是几个
43:19 into using it and so I decided to write an answer to that question based on my 使用了几天,所以我决定 根据我的
43:24 experience the answer I wrote is very 经验 写下这个问题的答案 我写的答案
43:30 positive I think I was having a really good time using it and it was solving my 非常积极
43:37 needs really well one line from the post says I just rewrote a 2000 line project 好吧,帖子中有一行 说我刚刚在 React 中重写了一个 2000 行的项目
43:42 in react and have now made a handful of pull requests to react everything about ,现在已经提出了一些 pull Requests 来
43:46 react I've seen so far seems really well thought out and I am proud to be the 响应我到目前为止所看到的关于 React 的一切似乎都经过 深思熟虑,我很自豪能成为
43:51 first non-facebook production user of react and I talked a little bit more 第一个非 -react 的 facebook 生产用户 ,我更多地谈到了
43:56 about some of the technical details and how it was helping me it's cool to look 一些技术细节, 以及它如何帮助我回顾起来很酷
44:01 back and it's almost a bit of a time capsule to see how even one week into ,这几乎是一个时间 胶囊,看看
44:09 react being released I was already pretty excited about it and I think that 反应是如何发布一周的 我已经 对此感到非常兴奋,我认为这种
44:15 excitement lasted for a long time I converted my entire code base that I 兴奋持续了很长时间
44:20 was working on at the time over to react I think it ended up being less code and -
44:24 it was easier to understand and it was faster pretty quickly I said Okay I want 很快我说好吧,我想
44:30 to keep using react and I ended up deploying that to production my my 继续使用反应,我最终 将它部署到我
44:36 Rewritten code and that was I think the first production code using react 重写的代码的生产中,那是我认为 第一个在 Facebook 之外使用反应的生产代码
44:41 outside of Facebook foreign 外国
44:49 it was a brand new project that had just been open sourced and not many people 这是一个全新的项目 刚刚开源,之前没有多少
44:53 had used it before and so there were a bunch of rough edges it seemed like you 人使用过它,所以有 一堆粗糙的边缘,看起来你
44:57 know maybe nobody had tried to use it in a particular way before or if something 知道也许以前没有人尝试过 以特定方式使用它,或者如果某些
45:01 just wasn't documented well enough and I was trying to use it a slightly 东西没有得到足够好的记录,我 试图以
45:05 different way than it was intended I ran into these little bugs or issues where 一种与预期略有不同的方式使用它 我遇到 了这些小错误或问题,在这些错误或问题中,
45:10 it didn't work quite as I was expecting it to for some of those I read through 它并没有像我期望的那样工作 ,其中一些我通读
45:16 the source code and tried to figure out okay why isn't this working is there 了源代码并试图找出 答案 为什么这不起作用有
45:19 anything that I can be doing differently for other cases I ended up joining the 什么我可以在 其他情况下做不同的事情我最终加入了
45:26 IRC chat Channel where a lot of the core team members were hanging out after it IRC 聊天频道,许多核心 团队成员在它开源后都在那里闲逛
45:32 had been open sourced that helped me get started not just 这不仅帮助我开始
45:38 using react but also starting to contribute to it as I started filing 使用 React,但也开始 为它做出贡献,因为我开始提交
45:42 issues and helping other people who were in that chat room as well as starting to 问题并帮助 那个聊天室中的其他人,以及开始
45:47 make small code changes and starting to improve react over time her perspective 进行小的代码更改并开始 随着时间的推移改进她
45:53 from you know Khan Academy and just being outside of Facebook was so 对你的看法 w Khan Academy 和 Facebook 之外的人非常
45:57 valuable so helpful so if he started as someone using react externally 有价值,非常有帮助,所以如果他开始是作为 外部使用 React 的人,
46:03 then sort of like moved on to being someone who contributed to react core 然后有点像转向成为外部 对 React Core 做出贡献的人,
46:07 externally then became the most significant contributor to react core 然后成为 React Core 最重要的贡献者,
46:11 then we would have these like weekly team meetings and invite Sophie to come 那么我们就会 每周开一次 团队会议,邀请索菲来
46:16 and so Sophie like worked out with her local manager at her company to like ,所以索菲喜欢和 她公司的当地经理一起工作,喜欢
46:20 carve out Friday afternoons to come to Facebook and hang out with us and so 抽出周五下午的时间来 Facebook 和我们一起出去玩,所以
46:26 determined not to do what we had done previously where we hired folks from the 决定不做我们以前做过的事情 我们从开源社区雇用了一些人
46:31 open source community and then they never contributed anything back she ,然后他们 再也没有贡献任何东西,她
46:35 became like the the first ever like open source recruited member of the team 成了团队中第一个像 开源一样招募的成员,
46:44 Sophie's involvement lifted the spirits of the react team it also got them Sophie 的参与提升 了 React 团队的精神,这也让他们
46:48 thinking that maybe just maybe the rest of the ecosystem had just misreact 认为也许只是也许 生态系统的其他部分只是做出了
46:54 unfairly they had something special they knew it what they didn't know was how to 不公平的错误反应他们有一些特别的东西他们 知道但他们不知道的是如何
47:00 convince everyone else I think there are people on the team 说服 其他 人 我认为团队中有
47:03 like me and Jordan and Tom and christadeau who like the The Challenge 像我、乔丹、汤姆和 克里斯塔多这样的人,他们喜欢挑战赛
47:10 and the the competitive nature of it we knew that this was good technology and I 及其竞争性,我们 知道这是一项很好的技术,
47:16 was so sure of that that um you know I viewed it as just a a 我非常确定这一点,嗯, 你知道我看过 这只是一个
47:22 messaging problem you know okay we gotta crack how we message this to people 消息传递问题,你知道好吧,我们必须 破解我们如何向人们发送消息,
47:26 because they don't get it and we have to figure out how to how to bring them 因为他们不明白,我们必须 弄清楚如何将他们带到
47:29 there the open source feels like a milestone 那里开源感觉就像一个里程碑
47:33 and it feels like this is the end my impressive is just the beginning because ,感觉就像这样 我 印象深刻的是结束只是开始因为
47:37 when you open social actually have zero users now you need to actually like 当你打开社交时实际上有零 用户现在你需要真正喜欢
47:41 build a community uh get all of the bug fixed like make sure it actually solves 建立一个社区呃修复所有 错误就像确保它实际上解决
47:45 the use case for the people and so this is like when the Journey Begins we 了人们的用例所以这 是 就像旅程开始时,我们会
47:50 buckle down we and we we also realized I think that really when you have a 全力以赴,我们也意识到, 我认为当你有一个像这样的项目时,你必须一个一个
47:55 project like this that's um different you have to convince people 地说服
48:00 one by one so I think that's really what we focused 人们, 所以我认为这才是我们真正关注
48:03 on and we learned a lot doing that we 的 ,我们 l 赚了很多,我们
48:06 learned that the ideas in reactor are solid but 了解到 Reactor 中 的想法是可靠的,但
48:10 really the ideas are not what people encounter when they adopt a framework 实际上这些想法并不是人们 在采用框架
48:14 what they encounter are the docs and the error messages what they need more than 时遇到的,他们遇到的是文档和 错误消息,
48:19 anything else when they adopt something is an incremental way of doing that 当他们采用某些东西时,他们最需要的 是 一种渐进的方式,
48:23 so the team got to work they focused on spreading the knowledge of react one 因此团队开始工作,他们专注于 传播 React 的知识,
48:28 concept at a time one person at a time then an opportunity arose 一次一个人,一次一个人, 然后机会出现
48:33 another conference later the same year thank goodness Pete 在同年晚些时候的另一次会议上,谢天谢地,Pete
48:39 gave a talk at jsconf EU I had my desk over by the um by the product 在 jsconf EU I 上发表了演讲 我坐在 Tomo 旁边的产品
48:44 infrastructure team I was sitting next to Tomo and he's like oh we're just like 基础架构团队让我的办公桌过来 ,他说哦,我们就像
48:49 sponsoring this JS conf EU conference and like we have to give a keynote and 赞助这个 JS conf EU 会议一样,我们必须发表主题演讲,
48:54 like I don't want to give it because I think he was like he didn't want to go 就像我不想发表一样 这是因为我 认为他好像不想
48:57 through all that stuff because you know after you give the talk like people go 经历所有这些事情,因为你知道 在你发表演讲后就像人们
49:00 and yell at you after you get off stage and you go to the happy hour and stuff 在你下台后对你大喊大叫 然后你去欢乐时光并填满
49:04 it's like it's not not the most Pleasant thing in the world and I was like I'll 它' 好像这不是世界上最愉快的 事情,我想我会
49:08 do it um I'll take the free trip to Berlin and 做的, 嗯,我会免费去柏林旅行,然后
49:11 go uh give a talk at a conference hey I'm Pete uh I'm gonna talk to you about 去,呃,在一个会议上发表演讲,嘿, 我是皮特,呃,我要 与您讨论
49:16 a library for creating user interfaces that we call react 一个用于创建我们称为 React 的用户界面的库 ,我们几个月前
49:20 and we open source this at jsconfus a couple months ago and we got some kind 在 jsconfus 上开源了它,我们
49:26 of sarcastic responses on Twitter a little bit of snickering that kind of 在 Twitter 上收到了一些讽刺的回应, 有点窃笑那种
49:30 thing um we weren't really communicating what 东西, 嗯,我们不是真的 传达
49:33 we were doing um so I'd like to talk to you today 我们正在做的事情, 嗯,所以我今天想和你
49:35 about the design decisions um around react uh what we're doing 谈谈设计决策, 嗯,关于反应,嗯,我们正在做的
49:39 differently than other Frameworks and kind of the implementation that lets us 与其他框架不同的事情, 以及让我们
49:43 make these decisions and make it really fast 做出这些决定并使其真正 快速的
49:46 for this talk it was like here's what makes react different I'm not even 实现 这次谈话就像是 让 React 与众不同的原因 我什
49:49 trying to say it's good I'm not even trying to say you should use it I'm 至不想说它很好 我什 至不想说你应该使用它 我
49:52 trying to say that this is interesting and there's a lot of interesting stuff 只是想说这很有趣 而且有很多有趣的
49:56 about how this thing works that you should pay attention to 东西 这个东西是如何工作的,你 应该注意 继续
50:00 and um that really resonated with people and , 嗯,这真的引起了人们的共鸣,
50:03 so we got these kind of early innovators you know if you think of the crossing 所以我们有这些早期的创新者, 你知道,如果你想到
50:07 the chasm diagram where you've got your your early 跨越鸿沟的 图表,你有你的早期
50:11 adopters and then you've got your laggers and in the middle you have your 采用者,然后你有你的 落后者,在中间 你有
50:14 kind of normal companies that talk really got those early adopters fired up 一些正常的公司,他们的谈话 真的让那些早期采用者兴奋起来
50:18 and evangelized and react inside of their own companies after Pete's talk , 在皮特的演讲之后在他们自己的公司内部传福音并做出反应
50:22 interest started to pick up people started paying attention they just ,人们 开始关注他们只是
50:25 wanted to you know let me let me just see if there's something there and so we 想知道,让我 看看是否 那里有一些东西,所以我们
50:29 got this kind of like Slow Burn of adoption of react and it prompted some 得到了这种像 Slow Burn 的 采用反应,它引发了一些
50:34 really interesting conversations it recruited Brandon Bloom into the 非常有趣的对话,它 招募了 Brandon Bloom 进入
50:38 community who came from the functional programming World somewhere he started 社区,他来自函数式 编程世界,他开始
50:43 talking to his friends and said hey I think this like react thing is actually 与他的朋友交谈并说嘿我 认为 这种类似反应的事情实际上
50:47 worth paying attention to and then he goes and talks to his friend David Nolan 值得关注,然后他 去和他的朋友大卫诺兰交谈,
50:50 who is this very well known very well respected really great musician and 他是一个非常有名的人
50:56 JavaScript developer I think he was working at the New York Times at the 我认为他是非常伟大的音乐家和 JavaScript 开发人员,我想他 当时在纽约时报工作
51:00 time and I was passing through New York to do something and it grabbed coffee ,我正路过 纽约做某事,它喝了咖啡
51:06 and I asked Pete some questions and Brandon Brandon Bloom that was my friend ,我问了皮特一些问题, 布兰登布兰登布鲁姆是我的朋友
51:12 that said you should really look at react and the reason I was excited about ,他说 如果你是 JavaScript 开发人员,你真的应该看看 React 以及我对它感到兴奋的原因,
51:17 it more than I think you could have been if you were JavaScript developer 如果你是 JavaScript 开发人员,你可能
51:21 JavaScript is kind of multi-paradigm you can do object oriented you can do -
51:24 functional if you want but it's not required but in closure enclosure script 会更 兴奋 但在闭包外壳脚本中,
51:29 functional is the most idiomatic thing and nothing existed like we were sort of 函数式是最惯用的东西 ,没有任何东西像我们
51:34 like always trying to get things to work but it was always felt like there was 总是试图让事情正常工作 一样存在,但总是感觉存在
51:38 friction I was like still early in my career right and this 摩擦,我就像 在我职业生涯的早期一样,
51:42 is like really senior super smart engineer and it was the type of thing 这就像真的 超级聪明的 高级工程师,在这种情况
51:47 where like he would ask me questions about it and I would like stumble to 下,他会问我 有关它的问题,我想结结巴巴地
51:51 explain it and I would explain it poorly and then he would repeat it back to me 解释它,但我会解释得不好 , 然后他会以
51:54 in like a super eloquent great way and I was like yes I'm gonna steal that and so 一种非常雄辩的方式向我重复它, 我就像是的,我要偷那个,所以
52:01 when I sat with Brandon and Pete it was like this huge light bulb went off I was 当我和布兰登和皮特坐在一起时, 就像这个巨大的灯泡熄灭了,我
52:06 like finally this is so Random uh Facebook made this functional UI 终于觉得这是 所以随机 uh Facebook 制作了这个功能性 UI
52:12 framework Eureka I mean it was definitely a Eureka moment it it did 框架 Eureka 我的意思是这 绝对是一个 Eureka 时刻它确实
52:16 allow closure script programmers to finally write a reasonably performant 允许闭包脚本程序员 最终编写一个性能合理的
52:22 functional uis and it was very natural it was a very very good fit like a week 功能性 uis 并且很自然 它非常非常适合像
52:28 or two later he wrote this blog post called the future of JavaScript mvcs 一两个星期 后来他写了这篇 名为“JavaScript mvcs 的未来”的博客文章
52:31 that just like changed the trajectory of the project ,就像在许多方面改变了项目的轨迹一样,
52:34 in many ways you look at react and you're like there's no way this could be 你看待 React, 你会觉得这不可能
52:38 fast there's no way it could be efficient and then I showed like you 很快,也不可能很 高效,然后我 展示了你
52:42 know these diagrams of what um backbone and react ohm look like and react is 知道这些 um backbone 和 react ohm 的图表,并且 react
52:48 much better especially when you're using persistent data structures so my article 更好,尤其是当你使用 持久数据结构时,所以我认为我的文章
52:54 I think was focusing purely on the technical benefits of the design it 纯粹关注的 技术优势 它的设计
52:59 removed The Superficial consideration and I think people started saying okay I 消除了肤浅的考虑 ,我认为人们开始说好吧,我
53:05 will try it not I'm going to use it but it removed that I'm never going to use 会尝试,但我不会使用它,但 它消除了我永远不会使用
53:10 that too oh I'll give it a shot this is interesting once that post came out like 它,哦,我会试一试,这很 有趣 一旦那篇文章
53:16 within three months after that I would say that we were one of the big 在那之后的三个月内发布,我会 说如果你选择一个 JavaScript 框架,我们是最大的竞争者之一,
53:20 contenders if you were picking a JavaScript framework if you want to 如果你想
53:24 spread an idea you need to really convince a few people 传播一个想法,你需要真正 说服一些人
53:26 and have those people share your message you can't just be shouting at yourself 并让这些人分享你的 消息, 你不能只是对自己大喊大叫,
53:31 more people started to realize that react 更多的人开始意识到,在接下来的过程中, 对
53:35 some good ideas and made UI development simpler in a lot of ways over the course 一些好的想法做出反应,并 在很多方面简化了 UI 开发,
53:43 of the next I would say like year or two we're kind of just tracking things like 我想说一两年, 我们只是在跟踪
53:49 you know like Google Alerts of how many times is it being mentioned who's 像 Google Alerts 这样的事情,比如 它被提到了多少次,谁在
53:53 writing about it what projects are cropping up 写它,哪些项目正在 出现,
53:56 um because react was very unopinionated about a lot of stuff that you need in 嗯,因为 React 对构建前端 Web 应用程序所需的很多东西非常不以为然
54:00 order to build a front-end web application and you know people would 离子,你知道人们会
54:04 fill in the blanks and there was a bunch of State Management libraries that 填补空白,出现了 一堆状态管理库
54:08 cropped up and there was a bunch of you know router libraries that cropped up ,出现了一堆你 知道的路由器库
54:12 and server-side rendering strategies and so there was this sort of Slow Burn of 和服务器端渲染策略, 所以出现了这种 Slow Burn
54:16 adoption over the next year or two react is a small focused UI library but it 在接下来的一两年内采用 React 是一个小型的专注 UI 库,但它
54:22 proved capable when tackling Facebook's hardest problems in other big companies 在解决 Facebook 最棘手的问题时被证明是有能力的 ,其他大公司
54:26 noticed but there was one company especially 注意到了, 但有一家公司特别
54:30 eager to rethink best practices 渴望重新思考我们第一次听说 React 的最佳实践
54:34 [Music] [音乐]
54:46 we first heard about react back in 2014 the Netflix website had been built using 2014 年 ,Netflix 网站是使用 Java web 构建的,
54:50 Java web uh it was very slow it took about 15 minutes to get up a build and 呃,它非常慢, 构建构建大约需要 15 分钟,
54:56 we decided to move to a more modern framework there we go now at the time we 我们决定转向一个更现代的 框架,我们现在就开始了,当时
55:02 weren't quite sure if you know this react thing was going to work out it was 我们不太确定你是否 知道这个 React 事情会成功,它
55:04 kind of new and so we were very apprehensive especially since we were 有点新,所以我们非常 担心,特别是因为我们正在
55:09 building the future of the next 10 years of the website right you know we make a 建设网站未来 10 年的未来, 你知道我们做得
55:13 bad choice now we got to backtrack um you know years worth of work and so 不好 现在的选择我们必须回溯, 嗯,你知道多年的工作,所以
55:17 we were very careful about you're not jumping into something that was too 我们非常小心,你不会 跳入太
55:20 bleeding edge and so what they did was they actually 前沿的东西 ,所以他们所做的是,他们实际上
55:23 pitted two teams against each other each was given 30 days to build a prototype 让两支球队互相对抗,每支球队 都得到了 30 几天来构建一个原型
55:27 with one being react and the other one being backbone and after 30 days the ,一个是反应,另一个 是主干,30 天后
55:31 choice was clear 选择很明确
55:35 so thank you all for coming out tonight we're really excited to have you here 所以感谢大家今晚的到来
55:37 and share the learnings that we've had building the new UI in react for the -
55:40 past year it was not this stage it was our next 过去一年中 React 中的新 UI 这不是这个阶段,而是我们的下一个
55:43 stage over where I gave my react presentation back I guess in 2015. 阶段, 我想我在 2015 年给出了我的 React 演示文稿。
55:49 same feeling like oh my goodness I've got to convince all these people that 同样的感觉就像我的天哪, 我必须说服所有这些人
55:53 react is amazing 做出反应是 太棒了,
55:56 um but I guess it worked so as part of the team that built the new site using 但我想它是有效的,所以 作为团队的一员,一开始使用 React 构建新站点
56:00 react at first it was very clunky like you're writing components and they're 时,它非常笨拙,就像 你在编写组件一样,而且它们
56:04 not quite you know you're putting too much logic into them or you're thinking 并不完全你知道你在其中 放入了太多逻辑或者 你想
56:07 too big it's not clear the difference in the Paradigm and then you start to use 太多了 g 尚不清楚 范式中的区别然后你开始使用
56:12 it and you go okay wait wait wait I'm thinking much more Atomic hence the 它然后你就可以了等等等等我正在 考虑更多原子因此
56:16 symbol of react I'm thinking about this in individual reusability okay now I'm 反应的象征我正在 考虑个人可重用性好吧现在我在
56:21 thinking about the testability of these components I'm seeing the benefits now 想 关于这些组件的可测试性, 我看到了它现在带来的好处
56:24 come out of it I can reuse this over here we can test this over here we can ,我可以在这里重用它, 我们可以在这里测试它,我们可以在
56:28 change this here we can add props in here and it becomes very exciting to see 这里改变它,我们可以在这里添加道具 ,看到新范式变得非常令人兴奋
56:32 that new paradigm come to play and go this is going to be revolutionary this 来 来去去这将是革命性的
56:37 is going to change the world let's go back in time one year to the old Netflix 这将改变世界让我们 回到一年前的旧 Netflix
56:40 UI you guys might remember this one the overall look and feel is kind of like 用户界面你们可能还记得这个 整体的外观和感觉有点像
56:43 this old DVD kind of box art feel and so I actually want to show you one of the 这种旧的 DVD 盒子艺术的感觉,所以 我实际上想向您
56:48 early prototypes of what we thought the new UI would look like we knew that 展示我们认为新 UI 的早期原型之一, 我们知道
56:52 going forward the world was changing web was changed changing things were moving 未来世界正在发生变化,网络 正在发生变化,变化的事物发展得
56:56 faster and our competition was moving faster as well so choosing react and 更快,我们的竞争也发展 得更快 因此,选择 React
57:00 going with a more modern framework really helped us accelerate how fast we 并使用更现代的框架 确实帮助我们加快了
57:03 could build the website how fast we could get new changes that door how fast 构建网站的速度,我们可以以多快的速度 获得新的更改,我们可以以多快的速度
57:06 we could try improvements for our customers to make the best possible 为客户尝试改进 以获得最佳
57:10 experience 体验
57:13 and because of that we've been at the Forefront of leading what UI design ,因为 在 web 开发方面,我们一直 处于引领 UI 设计的最前沿,
57:17 looks like in terms of web development we've had a lot of companies copy us 我们有很多公司模仿我们
57:21 which we take is a great compliment but we were there first because of react and ,我们认为这是一个很好的赞美,但 我们首先在那里是因为 React
57:25 its ability to move so quickly in terms of design 及其移动能力 在设计方面如此之快,
57:28 this is how it ended up turning out and this is a UI that's big and immersive 这就是它最终的结果, 这是一个巨大的、身临其境的
57:33 and completely built in react so we're very very proud of it and the result 、完全内置于 React 中的 UI,所以我们 为此感到非常自豪,而结果
57:36 [Music] Netflix was now praising react publicly [音乐] Netflix 现在公开称赞 React
57:44 and with a second big company betting big on react the framework grew in 并且 随着第二家大公司在 React 上押下重注 ,该框架越来越
57:49 popularity in fact it kind of took on a life of its own and the community 受欢迎,实际上它开始 了自己的生活,社区
57:54 started to take off 开始起飞
58:04 [Music] react at this point was getting more [音乐] React 在这一点上变得越来越
58:10 popular and somebody on Twitter mentioned like 流行 并且 有人在 Twitter 上提到,
58:14 hey it would be cool to have like a react conference and a lot of people 嘿, 举办一个 React 会议会很酷,很多人
58:18 started like uh commenting and tweeting and everything about this and uh I went 开始喜欢,嗯,评论和推特, 以及关于这一切的一切,呃,我
58:22 to my manager tomokino and he was like there's like 50 tweets about react today 去找我的经理 tomokino,他 说今天有大约 50 条关于 React 的推文
58:27 like people are talking about organizing conferences should we organize a 就像人们在谈论组织 会议,我们是否应该组织一次
58:31 conference and I was like I don't know what that means I don't know how to do 会议,我当时想我不 知道那意味着什么,我不知道该怎么做
58:34 that but like maybe I was very post doing a conference um I thought it was ,但也许我很想 参加会议,嗯,我觉得这
58:39 very cool that we got so much traction without really pouring marketing money 很酷 即使 React 来自大型科​​技公司 Juggernaut Facebook,我们也没有真正投入营销资金就获得了如此大的吸引力 ,
58:46 into it even though react came from big tech company Juggernaut Facebook it was 这是
58:51 a small group of people that were like really dedicated to seeing this thing 一小群人,他们 真的致力于看到这件事的
58:54 succeed so it felt like this very Indie you know Rebel Alliance type of project 成功,所以感觉就像你知道的独立游戏 Rebel 联盟类型的项目
59:00 and so I was like we don't need a user conference like with like we got this ,所以我觉得我们不需要 像我们有这种
59:05 Cool vibe going on like let's see how far we can push it I was totally wrong 酷氛围一样的用户会议,让我们看看 我们能把它推到多远我完全错了
59:09 we had said to ourselves I think it would be fun to host a react conference 我们说 d 对我们自己,我认为 主持一个 React 会议会很有趣,
59:12 but are there even enough people using react who would want to go to that and 但是是否有足够多的人使用 React 想要参加那个会议,
59:17 eventually we decided Well let's try it let's try to host the conference and see 最终我们决定好吧,让我们尝试一下, 让我们尝试主持会议,
59:21 how it goes within a minutes all of the tickets were 看看它是如何 进行的 分钟所有的票都
59:26 sold out and we actually crashed the website that we are handled for like the 卖光了,我们实际上崩溃了 我们处理的网站,比如
59:31 actual payment system and everything 实际的支付系统,一切都
59:36 trap the CTO of Facebook actually like reach out to me saying like hey I have 让 Facebook 的 CTO 陷入困境,实际上就像联系 我说,嘿,我有
59:42 this very important like VP or CTO or like of some company that one scene that 这个非常重要的东西,比如副总裁或 CTO 或 就像一些公司,一个
59:47 couldn't get in like hey can you do as a favor and I was like I would love to 无法进入的场景,比如嘿,你能 帮个忙吗,我想我
59:53 like kill the CTO and everything but like you know like we're like completely 很想杀了首席技术官和一切,但 就像你知道的,就像我们已经完全
59:57 booked certainly we were very surprised about how quickly the tickets had sold 预订好了,当然我们非常 对门票售罄的速度感到惊讶
1:00:01 out we didn't realize just how much the react ecosystem had grown and just how 我们没有意识到 React 生态系统已经发展了
1:00:06 much enthusiasm had been created by early adopters 多少,以及 早期采用者
1:00:12 foreign [Music] 外国 [音乐]
1:00:25 quickly as far as conference planning goes and we just had it on campus in one 就会议计划而言迅速创造了多少 热情 s,我们刚刚在校园里
1:00:29 of our cafes and we you know bus people from the nearest hotel and it was very 的一家咖啡馆里吃了它,我们知道 最近酒店的巴士人员,它
1:00:35 very under produced um but it worked out really really well 的产量非常低, 嗯,但效果非常
1:00:40 good morning everyone and welcome to react Jessica 好,大家早上好 ,欢迎在会议上对杰西卡做出反应
1:00:46 the conference when they're like extremely extremely well as the ,当他们 作为
1:00:49 organizer of the conference I'm so excited to be here and we open source 会议的组织者,我非常非常 高兴能来到这里,我们开源
1:00:54 like a bunch of our projects like so react native and we started talking 了很多项目,比如 React Native,我们开始
1:00:57 about graphql about three day and so yeah it's been a massive success there 讨论 graphql 大约三天,所以 是的,这是一个巨大的 成功就
1:01:02 is this moment where you go and you see the stage and it's like there's a giant 在这一刻,你去那里,你看到 了舞台,就像有一块巨大的
1:01:07 wood cut out like logo of the react atom and 木头 被切割成反应原子的标志,
1:01:12 I was like my friend Michael the designer at Instagram drew that in front 我就像我的朋友迈克尔一样 ,Instagram 的设计师在我面前画了它,
1:01:17 of me like in the middle of the night before we were going to open sources 就像在中间一样 在我们要开源的前一天晚上,
1:01:20 thing because we needed a logo and I was like Michael just like throw something 因为我们需要一个标志,我 就像迈克尔一样,很快就把一些东西
1:01:22 together real quick and like now it's this thing that has somebody has built a 放在一起,就像现在有人
1:01:27 giant sign with this on it and there's something about the physical impact of 用这个在我身上做了一个巨大的标志 t 并且有 一些关于它的物理影响
1:01:30 that that's really cool that was the moment when it dawned on me that react 真的很酷那是 当我意识到反应
1:01:34 was becoming something different you know so for a long time what react 正在变得不同 你知道的那一刻所以很长一段时间
1:01:39 was to me was a software project and the reason why I wanted people to 对我来说反应是一个软件项目 以及我想要的原因 人们
1:01:44 adopt it was because I really thought it would make their software better and 采用它是因为我真的认为它 会让他们的软件更好,
1:01:47 make their lives better and make their on-call rotations better there are a lot 让他们的生活更美好,让他们 的值班轮换更好有
1:01:51 of reasons why I thought it would help them 很多原因我认为它会
1:01:54 after that conference what I realized is that react was becoming a community 在那次会议后帮助他们我意识到的 是反应 正在成为一个社区
1:01:57 there was meetups that would happen the immediate next week that would have an ,下周将举行聚会,届时 将有更多的
1:02:02 expanded audience that they could go deeper into some of the things that were 听众,他们可以 更深入地讨论所讨论的一些事情,这
1:02:05 discussed was really really cool and a huge recognition for us that the 真的很酷,并且 对我们来说是一个巨大的认可,
1:02:09 community was going to be an incredible part of what would make 社区将成为 使 React 起作用的令人难以置信的部分,
1:02:14 react work and had at that point was definitely already a really important 并且在那个时候 肯定已经是到目前为止
1:02:18 part of what had gotten react to that point so far 对那个点作出反应的非常重要的部分
1:02:21 [Music] it's proven to me that uh engaging with [M usic] 它向我证明,呃,参与
1:02:26 your open source Community is is actually more important than the 你的开源社区 实际上比
1:02:30 technical work itself like if you don't have a community you don't have an open 技术工作本身更重要,如果你 没有社区,你就没有
1:02:33 source project I'm excited that we just continue rethinking best practices I 开源项目,我很高兴我们 继续 重新思考最佳实践 我
1:02:37 want to thank this community for making it possible for us to keep investing in 要感谢这个社区 让我们能够继续
1:02:40 this and keep working on it um that's all I got thanks 投资并继续努力 嗯,这就是我所得到的感谢,
1:02:47 it was a real high point for not just for me but for the team and you know I 这不仅对我而且对团队来说都是一个真正的高点 ,你知道我
1:02:52 think for Facebook engineering I think we really felt like 想想 Facebook 的工程,我认为 我们真的感觉
1:02:57 not just validated but like we were actually like doing something that 不仅仅是经过验证,而且我们 真的喜欢做
1:03:01 people cared about and it was a really really good feeling 人们关心的事情 ,这种感觉真的非常好,它已经
1:03:05 it was already like more widely used within the company but now it was like 在公司内部得到更广泛的使用,但现在感觉
1:03:09 okay how do we like actually start converting everything to react how do we 很好 我们是否真的喜欢开始 转换一切以做出反应 我们如何
1:03:14 like remove and deprecate like all of the other Frameworks and really like 像所有其他框架一样删除和弃用 并且真的很喜欢
1:03:18 double down on react oh hey I was going going from like an interesting product 加倍努力 哦嘿我 正从一个有趣的产品开始
1:03:23 to like this is the next big thing so it was really like a really amazing time to 喜欢这是下一件大事,所以 这真的是一段非常棒的时光,
1:03:28 be around and to like really like get the whole company like working together 真的很喜欢 让整个公司像一个人一样一起工作
1:03:31 as one uh you know to like make this happen ,嗯,你知道喜欢让这一切 发生
1:03:36 let's see I have some keepsakes up here which will be not easy for me to get 让我们看看我有一些纪念品 在这里 这对我来说不容易
1:03:44 down but 下来但
1:03:47 let's see I have some stickers oh this is a fun 让我们看看 我有一些贴纸哦这是一个有趣
1:03:52 one this is the first ever react die cut sticker 的这是有史以来第一个反应模切 贴纸
1:03:57 we ordered like a bunch of these and put them on our laptops and I just I never 我们订购了一堆这些并将 它们放在我们的笔记本电脑上我只是我 从来
1:04:00 wanted to use the last one that I had Facebook open source stickers 不想使用我拥有的最后一个 Facebook 开源贴纸
1:04:06 oh some of these will be a trip down memory lane for folks react conf we made 哦,其中一些将 成为人们的记忆之旅我们让
1:04:11 you know 2018 Facebook open source 你知道 2018 年 Facebook 开源
1:04:15 it's a good one react conf attendee badge 它是一个很好的 React conf 与会者 徽章
1:04:19 this was a book uh from the original react.js conf at Facebook's headquarters 这是一本书呃 来自 Facebook 总部的原始 react.js conf,
1:04:25 so this had a list of the speakers and the schedule and 所以这里有演讲者名单 和日程表,
1:04:30 um here's the Keynote and Christopher shadow 嗯,这是 Keynote 和 Christopher shadow,
1:04:35 we had all sorts of swag made and a bunch of other stuff so 我们制作了各种各样的 赃物和其他一些东西,
1:04:40 pretty good stuff pretty good memories 非常好, 非常好的记忆
1:04:46 dated with questions from the community and a new developer enters reacts orbit ies 与来自社区的问题 和一个新的开发人员进入反应轨道
1:04:55 [Music] [音乐]
1:05:12 what should I do with my hands 我应该用我的手做什么
1:05:17 so you're saying that I should actually uh start like uh let me Focus for a 所以你说我实际上应该 呃开始就像呃让我专注一
1:05:22 second just for the record I did not create react react was created by Jordan 秒钟只是为了记录我没有 create react react 是由 Jordan walk 创建的
1:05:27 walk I worked at a small startup we were 我在一家小型初创公司工作,我们正在
1:05:32 creating a sort of a digital publishing platform so there was a really complex 创建一种数字发布 平台,因此有一个非常复杂的
1:05:37 post editor with different blocks or like a scrollable text with like 后期编辑器,具有不同的块或 类似具有
1:05:42 different effects and stuff and so uh creating a dynamic kind of interactive 不同效果和内容的可滚动文本,所以呃 创建
1:05:46 editor for for these things was really difficult and we returned it with 对于这些东西,一种动态的交互式编辑器真的很 困难,我们用骨干返回了它
1:05:50 backbone I kind of wanted to give react a try because it was supposed to solve 我有点想尝试一下反应, 因为它应该解决
1:05:54 this problem the first react component I wrote was a 这个问题 我写的第一个反应组件是一个
1:05:57 like button so it was just like a button you click it and it says like you like 喜欢的按钮,所以它只是 就像一个按钮, 你点击它,它会说你喜欢
1:06:01 this or you and somebody like this or you and like 40 others like this so 这个或者你和某个人喜欢这个或者 你和其他 40 个这样的人喜欢这样
1:06:08 there was a bit of like a split and logic and then the way you would Express 所以有点像分裂和 逻辑然后你会的方式
1:06:11 this in uh like in other Frameworks at the time uh like you had you had to kind 就像当时在其他框架中一样表达这个, 就像你
1:06:17 of manually like watch what's changed and like update it and in react you 不得不手动观察发生了什么变化 ,喜欢更新它,作为反应,你
1:06:21 could just say if nobody liked this show this if one person like this show this 可以说如果没有人喜欢这个显示 这个如果一个人喜欢这个显示这个
1:06:25 otherwise show this and like it's a very natural way to write this kind of code 否则 展示这个,就像这是 编写这种代码的一种非常自然的方式
1:06:30 and yeah I just wrote that button and I was like yeah that looks good ship it ,是的,我刚刚写了那个按钮, 我说是的,看起来不错
1:06:35 and so we actually rewrote the entire app in react over the course of like 90 ,所以我们实际上在大约 90 个月的时间里重写了整个应用程序以做出反应
1:06:41 months while still shipping new features so react speed up our development so ,同时 仍在发布新功能, 因此 React 大大加快了我们的开发速度,
1:06:46 much that we were able to add new features faster at the same time as we 以至于我们能够 在替换旧功能的同时更快地添加新
1:06:50 were replacing old features that's why I really kind of fell in love with it 功能,这就是为什么我 真的有点爱上它
1:06:58 a lot of things didn't exist back then like there was no such thing as a react 了很多东西不存在 那时候 好像没有反应
1:07:01 ecosystem so if you needed something it didn't exist you'd have to write it 生态系统这样的东西所以如果你需要 它不存在的东西你必须写它
1:07:07 so like you'd have to figure out how to do it because otherwise you're not going 所以你必须弄清楚如何 去做因为否则你
1:07:11 to have a product right so that's kind of what I did for a bunch of things 不会 有一个正确的产品 我做了很多事情,
1:07:16 one of those projects in particular was uh 其中​​一个项目特别是 呃
1:07:20 like I just saw like a big opportunity there ,我只是看到了一个巨大的机会, 当时
1:07:24 it was called react hot loader at the time so I wanted to give a talk about 它被称为 React 热加载器, 所以我想谈谈
1:07:28 that somebody else has done a talk that 别人已经做了一个
1:07:31 mentioned it earlier at reactant a really clever fellow called Damn abramov 早些时候在 reactant 上提到它的谈话是一个 非常聪明的家伙,名叫 Damn abramov
1:07:36 figured this out and he created the react hotloader and I felt that well ,他想出了这个,他创建了 react 热加载器,我觉得那很好
1:07:40 then that just wouldn't be interesting because people kind of already saw it ,那只是不会有趣, 因为人们已经看到了
1:07:44 which in retrospect I don't think it would be true but that's how I saw it at 它,回想起来我没有 我认为这是真的,但当时我就是这么看的,
1:07:48 the time so I wanted to kind of spice it up a little bit and I wanted to make a 所以我想 稍微加点趣味,我想
1:07:52 proof of concept of a thing I saw in breath Victor's demo that is often 证明我在呼吸中看到的东西的概念证明 维克多的演示通常
1:07:57 referred to as time traveling you're designing something embedded in 被称为 时间旅行 你在设计一些嵌入
1:08:02 time you need to be able to control time you need to be able to see across time 时间的东西 你需要能够控制时间 你需要能够看到时间
1:08:06 otherwise you're designing blind I didn't really know how to do it but I 否则你在盲目设计 我真的不知道该怎么做 但我
1:08:10 thought that's a cool idea for a talk so I'm gonna send the proposal if the 认为这是一个很酷的主意 谈一谈,所以 我走了 nna 发送提案,如果
1:08:14 proposal is successful then I'll just figure it out and it turned out that the 提案成功,那么我会 弄清楚,结果证明该
1:08:18 proposal was more successful than I thought it would be and so I made a 提案比我 想象的更成功,所以我为此做了一个
1:08:22 proof of concept for that and that approval concept became known as Redux 概念证明,这个 批准概念被称为 Redux
1:08:28 so my talk is about developer tools because react and hotel ordering and 所以我的演讲是关于开发者工具的, 因为 React 和酒店预订以及
1:08:33 time travel these are all developer tools he was like literally creating 时间旅行这些都是开发者 工具,他就像字面意思一样创建
1:08:37 Redux in service of being able to deliver this this talk and I called it Redux 来服务于能够 提供这个演讲,我称之为
1:08:42 presentation driven development because the Thing That Shook out of it was you 演示驱动的开发 因为 That That Shook out 几年来,你
1:08:47 know this sort of like canonical State Management library for react apps for 知道这种类似 React 应用程序的规范状态管理库
1:08:50 for several years most of my work is around the react ecosystem because ,我的大部分工作都是 围绕 React 生态系统的,因为
1:08:54 that's what inspired me to contribute to the open source in the first place but 这首先激发了我为开源做出贡献, 但
1:08:59 there are two particular projects that I'm going to talk about today it was 有两个特定的项目 我今天要谈论的话题
1:09:03 very validating to give that talk 发表那个演讲是非常有效的,
1:09:07 but I was not surprised by the response because well I I had my 但我对回应并不感到惊讶, 因为我有我的
1:09:14 doubts but also I thought the talk was good like I thought it's a really good 怀疑,但我也 认为演讲 很好,就像我认为这是一次非常好的
1:09:18 talk and I was glad that people also liked it 演讲 ,我很高兴人们也喜欢它,
1:09:23 but I think it was actually not the talk that was uh that was really like the 但我认为这实际上不是演讲 ,呃,那对我来说真的很像那
1:09:27 moment for me I think it was just like being there 一刻,我认为就像 在那里一样
1:09:31 I kind of felt like you know like like going to Hogwarts for the first time I 我有点像你知道 的第一次去霍格沃茨的感觉
1:09:36 think it kind of had this uh this feeling because there were all these ,我觉得有这种 感觉,因为有很多
1:09:39 people who I only knew them as these avatars and when I season meet somebody 人,我只知道他们是这些 化身,当我遇到某人时
1:09:44 in person they they kind of become three-dimensional of course you kind of ,他们是他们 有点变成 三维的当然你有点
1:09:48 see the whole picture and I think it was just like such a wholesome feeling is 看到全貌我认为这 就像一种健康
1:09:53 the feeling that we are all trying to figure out what we can do with this 的感觉是我们都在努力 弄清楚我们可以用这个东西做什么但
1:09:58 thing and we don't know it yet and we're just playing with it 我们不知道的感觉 它还没有,我们 只是在玩它
1:10:05 that's also where I met jinchan I asked for for her advice before because she's ,这也是我遇到 jinchan 我 之前征求她的意见因为她是
1:10:11 one of the co-creators of the fox architecture so it was nice to meet her fox 架构的共同创造者之一 所以很高兴见到
1:10:16 in person and she mentioned that actually Facebook is hiring in London 她,她提到 实际上 Facebook 在伦敦招聘
1:10:20 and so they arranged an interview for me right at the conference which was like 所以他们在会议上为我安排了一次采访, 这就像
1:10:25 our normal interview process the same I think like four interviews or something 我们正常的采访过程一样,我 想是四次采访或类似的事情,
1:10:28 like this but I I missed the second day of the conference but we just did an 但我错过 了会议的第二天,但我们只是在那里做了
1:10:32 interview there and so that's kind of how I got into Facebook 一次采访,所以这就是 我是如何进入 Facebook 的,
1:10:36 we just quickly grabbed them out of the conference a little bit like on the down 我们很快就把他们从 会议中拉了出来,有点像
1:10:41 low and then uh conducted the interviews um in the basement of a hotel I think is 低调,然后 呃在酒店的地下室进行了采访,我
1:10:48 that normal entries no Dan is so special he's always been all special I guess 认为正常的条目没有 Dan 如此特别, 他总是 非常特别我
1:10:54 like I would think of myself as like maybe the first 想我会认为自己 可能是
1:10:57 member of what would become the react team as you know it today because I 今天你所知道的 React 团队的第一个成员,因为我
1:11:03 joined a little bit earlier than I think Andrew Brian Luna and and like a bunch 加入的时间比我想象的要早一点 Andrew Brian Luna 和
1:11:09 of other people who work with us now and I joined at the time when a few people 其他一些人一样 现在和我们一起工作的人, 我加入的时候有几个
1:11:14 who worked with us before were just about to leave so I was kind of in this 以前和我们一起工作的人 正要离开,所以我有点处于这个
1:11:19 transitional period when the team was changing a lot 过渡时期,当时团队正在 改变很多
1:11:23 foreign 外国
1:11:26 [Music] do you remember the first time you met [Musi c] 你还记得你第一次见到安德鲁吗
1:11:34 Andrew uh I think I've met 呃 我想我见过
1:11:37 I think I met him yeah well that was the clear moment maybe was that the first 我想我见过他 是的 很好 那是一个 清晰的时刻 也许是我们第
1:11:44 time we actually did you get invited to react conf because of that he had a 一次真正见面 你被邀请 参加会议 因为他有 一次
1:11:48 speech 演讲
1:11:51 I met him like I think before that I met you and Sophie and Joe and Tim like all 我遇到他就像我想的那样 我在同一周遇到了 你和 Sophie、Joe 和 Tim
1:11:56 in the same week yeah he started asking some questions that were very similar to 是的,他开始问 一些问题,
1:12:01 the questions that on the team we were talking about internally and so I just 这些问题与我们在团队 内部讨论的问题非常相似,所以我
1:12:04 remember like I gotta connect you with like Sebastian and Jordan and the rest 请记住,就像我要把你和 塞巴斯蒂安、乔丹以及团队的其他
1:12:08 of the team yeah and then also I was like to the recruiters I was like yeah 成员联系起来,是的,然后 我对招聘人员说,是的,
1:12:10 this guy like we gotta hire this Andrew guy and I think we were really fortunate 这个人就像我们要雇用这个安德鲁 人一样,我认为我们很早就很幸运
1:12:15 early on to have a bunch of people liking that kind of stepped up and they 了 有一群人 喜欢这种进步,
1:12:18 were like this seems cool I just want to be a part of this I just want to help 他们就像这样看起来很酷我只是想 成为其中的一部分我只是想帮忙
1:12:21 I didn't realize it was kind of like a freshman class sort of feeling at the 我没有意识到这有点像 新生班 时间
1:12:25 time started managing the team around that 开始管理团队 那个
1:12:28 time as well um and like I couldn't have really asked 时候也是, 嗯,就像我真的不能
1:12:31 for a better uh both project and like a set of colleagues and team to to join 要求一个更好的项目,就像 一群同事和团队一样加入
1:12:36 the beginning of phase two yeah that's cool 第二阶段的开始是的,这 很酷
1:12:40 [Music] [音乐]
1:12:49 like man we're nailing this 就像我们正在搞定这个
1:12:55 [Music] react was now out of the hands of its [音乐] React 现在已经脱离了其
1:13:00 Founders it was ready to take on New Life in the care of a new community 创始人的控制,它已经准备好在 一个新的社区
1:13:05 grown and future-minded team we tried to watch some of the numbers like the 成长和具有未来意识的团队的照顾下开始新的生活我们试图 观察一些数字,比如
1:13:11 number of GitHub stars or the number of npm downloads on Google Trends how many GitHub 星数或 Google Trends 上的 npm 下载数量 有多少
1:13:16 people are searching for react and none of those numbers are perfect but 人在搜索 React ,这些数字都不是完美的,但
1:13:22 basically all of them kept going up over time and eventually got to a point where 基本上所有这些数字都随着 时间的推移不断上升,最终达到了
1:13:29 we looked at it and said oh yeah like millions of people essentially are using 我们看到它并说哦,是的,就像 数百万人一样 本质上是在使用
1:13:34 react there are a lot of little details in how we did things that encourages React 在我们如何做一些
1:13:40 an ecosystem to participate that were critical Parts on making it what it is 鼓励生态系统参与的事情上有很多小细节,这些细节是 关键部分使它成为
1:13:46 today we didn't put everything in the framework we left a lot of it to the 今天的样子我们没有把所有东西都放在 框架中我们把很多东西留给了
1:13:51 ecosystem to innovate and we got a lot of contributions we got a lot of 生态系统到 创新,我们得到了 很多贡献,我们得到了很多
1:13:55 interest that way we got a lot of things spurring from that it was not ever a 兴趣,这样我们得到了很多 刺激,这从来都不是一个
1:14:03 foregone conclusion I like it's still surreal to me that it's as popular as it 已成定局的结论,我喜欢它对我来说仍然是 超现实的,因为它和它一样受欢迎,
1:14:07 is it's this great example of this like Underdog technology within a big company 这是一个很好的例子 这就像 一家大公司中的 Underdog 技术
1:14:12 where there could have been these forces that really pushed back on it I think a ,那里可能有这些 力量真的阻碍了它,我认为
1:14:17 lot of elements of good timing Good Fortune good luck good leadership 很多好时机的元素 好运好运好领导
1:14:22 support all sort of like aggregated to allow react to be a success that had we 支持所有类似的聚合 让反应成功 如果我们
1:14:28 missed a few of those or had a handful more things failed instead of succeeded 错过了其中的一些,或者有 更多的事情失败了而不是成功了,
1:14:33 then I do not think react would be in the spot that it is today 那么我认为反应不会 像今天这样,
1:14:37 I feel like you can't take anyone out of it and have it be what it became I think 我觉得你不能把任何人从中带走 ,让它成为什么 我想
1:14:43 in the early days obviously Jordan right like this thing wouldn't exist and then 在早期,显然乔丹是对的, 就像这件事不会存在一样,然后
1:14:46 Jing Chan just absolutely critical I mean she was so instrumental in the Jing Chan 绝对是至关重要的,我的 意思是她在 React 的早​​期发挥了如此重要的作用,
1:14:51 early days of react that it just wouldn't have been a thing that we cared 以至于我们无法做到这一点
1:14:54 about if it didn't prove itself and then Shane O'Sullivan is responsible 担心它是否不能证明自己 然后 Shane O'Sullivan
1:14:59 for you know really I mean a very hard decision to like I'm gonna go this path 负责你知道真的我的意思是一个非常艰难的 决定喜欢我要走这条路
1:15:05 instead of that thing and then the engineers that worked on refining and 而不是那条路然后 致力于改进和迭代的工程师
1:15:08 iterating on it and turning it into something good it was Chateau and Paul Chateau 和 Paul
1:15:12 shantacy and Pete hunt and my manager Adam wolf when I was like you know shantacy 以及 Pete Hunt 和我的经理 Adam wolf 就在上面并将其变成了好东西,当时我就像你知道的那样
1:15:16 asking all these questions about like should we be do like is this even worth 问所有这些问题, 比如我们应该怎么做,这是否值得
1:15:20 it especially after JS conf when we were feeling defeated you know he was there ,尤其是在 JS conf 之后,当我们 感觉被打败了,你知道他在
1:15:24 to pick me back up and be like no look it is delivering value this is good keep 那里接我回来,好像没有, 它正在创造价值,这很好,继续
1:15:28 going and there's different phases too right you have the early early days and 前进,也有不同的阶段, 你有早期的早期,
1:15:31 you had the like for the next literally almost we're going on 10 years now with 你有类似的下一个字面意思 几乎我们 与
1:15:36 Sebastian's technical leadership and Andrew and Dan and Dominic and flarney Sebastian 的技术领导以及 Andrew、Dan、Dominic、flarney
1:15:41 and Sophie and I I just feel like it's just a group of incredible people and if 和 Sophie 以及我一起工作了 10 年,我只是觉得这 只是一群不可思议的人,如果
1:15:48 you take any of them out of it it just looks pretty different it was 你把他们中的任何一个从中剔除,它 就会看起来 非常不同,这
1:15:53 really a team effort uh it was really a team effort from the 真的是团队的努力, 呃,从一开始就真的是团队的努力
1:15:57 very beginning -
1:16:04 [Music] says that awesome Solutions are rarely [音乐] 说,很棒的解决方案很少
1:16:10 created by large organizations it's almost always one person with passion 是由大型组织创造的,它 几乎总是一个有激情
1:16:14 and vision that slowly start to infect others this is this is a great summary 和远见的人慢慢开始感染 其他人,这是 这是
1:16:20 of how react became react because it was never inevitable it was always this wild 对反应如何变成反应的一个很好的总结,因为 它从来都不是不可避免的,总是这个疯狂的
1:16:26 idea that kept Gathering momentum person by person and any expected react to fail 想法让一个人一个人地聚集动力 ,任何预期的反应都会失败
1:16:32 and if it weren't for the hard work of a few determined developers it very well ,如果不是 一些坚定的开发人员的辛勤工作,它 很
1:16:38 could have 可能
1:16:42 this is just the beginning of the react story the story of how a community 这只是 React 故事的开始 社区如何
1:16:47 transformed an underdog UI Library into the most popular JavaScript framework 将失败者 UI 库转变为 当今最流行的 JavaScript 框架的故事
1:16:52 today
1:16:56 this is react podcast I'm fantastic 这是 React 播客 我太棒了
1:17:03 [Music] [音乐]
1:17:18 [Music] [音乐]
1:17:27 thank you 谢谢你
1:17:31 I'm like so tempted to just prize FaceTime Jordan right now be like 我是 就像 现在很想奖励 FaceTime Jordan 就像
1:17:36 interview it's just really strange to think that 接受采访一样 认为
1:17:41 you're just so close to death the first reactive shirt that we made 你离死亡如此之近真的很​​奇怪我们制作的第一件 活性衬衫
1:17:49 thousands of developers find jobs across Europe using Honeypot if you're up for a 如果你准备好在
1:17:53 new challenge in one of these European cities sign up at 这些欧洲城市之一迎接新的挑战,
1:17:58 if you want to see more Tech documentaries then subscribe so you 那么开发人员会在欧洲使用 Honeypot 找到工作。
1:18:02 don't miss the next one -
1:18:07 [Music] 音乐]